Senin, 27 Desember 2010

M O N D A Y   December 27, 2010 Gail Grabowski

Theme: It's all in how you look at it — Theme answers with a word that can describe what you see.

Theme answers:
  • 17A: "Awesome!" ("OUTTA SIGHT!").
  • 23A: 2006-'07 Microsoft release (WINDOWS VISTA).
  • 37A: Financial projections (ECONOMIC OUTLOOK).
  • 45A: Act embarrassingly in public (CREATE A SCENE).
  • 58A: Cable TV offering (PAY-PER-VIEW).
I don't have a lot to say about this puzzle today. It's very smooth with some colorful fill and straightforward cluing, which is exactly what I expect from Gail Grabowski on a Monday. I've actually had a bad cold for a couple days so it's hard for me to really concentrate enough to give you the sparkling commentary you've become accustomed to around here. How about if you all have at it in the comments and I'll try to be back here tomorrow with something a little more interesting.

Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
  • 15A: Son of Seth (ENOS).
  • 29A: Mideast honcho (EMIR).
  • 60A: Hairy Himalayan, reportedly (YETI).
  • 61A: Job site standards org. (OSHA).
  • 51D: Hot time in Toulon (ÉTÉ).
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Everything Else — 1A: Workshop holder (CLAMP); 6A: Fairy godmother's magic tool (WAND); 10A: Chopped-up fare (HASH); 14A: From around here (LOCAL); 16A: Indy racer (AUTO); 19A: Singer's syllables (TRAS); 20A: Rehab woes, briefly (DT'S); 21A: Monte __: gambling resort (CARLO); 22A: In pieces (APART); 25A: "Oops, sorry" ("MY BAD"); 28A: Cooped clucker (HEN); 30A: Member of the crew (SAILOR); 34A: Sleuths, for short (PI'S); 40A: Coll. helpers (TA'S); 41A: 1910s-'20s Ford assembly-line classic (MODEL T); 42A: Prefix with septic (ANTI-); 43A: Cone dropper (FIR); 44A: Expanse with waves (OCEAN); 52A: Jaunty tunes (LILTS); 53A: Fritter away (WASTE); 54A: Monopoly quartet: Abbr. (RRS.); 57A: Roller rink shape (OVAL); 62A: Where D.C. is, familiarly (U.S. OF A.); 63A: Part of a process (STEP); 64A: Pizza crust order (THIN); 65A: Out sick, say (NOT IN); 1D: Wad of dirt (CLOD); 2D: Boorish sort (LOUT); 3D: Stops stalling (ACTS); 4D: Place to wipe your shoes (MAT); 5D: Lake __, 1980 Winter Olympics town (PLACID); 6D: Very odd (WEIRD); 7D: English-speaking (ANGLO); 8D: "Not gonna happen" ("NO HOW"); 9D: Annual cause of losing an hr.'s sleep, perhaps (DST); 10D: Millinery accessory (HAT PIN); 11D: Subtle qualities (AURAS); 12D: Get going (START); 13D: Shade-tolerant plant (HOSTA); 18D: Start of many California city names (SAN); 22D: Keep from happening (AVERT); 23D: Say "Be careful" to (WARN); 24D: "Fore!" or "Olé!" (SHOUT); 25D: Encounter (MEET); 26D: Org. known by its first letter (YMCA); 27D: Revealing books, briefly (BIOS); 30D: Campground treat (S'MORE); 31D: Partner of abet (AID); 32D: Cooler cubes (ICE); 33D: Online cackle (LOL); 34D: Fried corn bread (PONE); 35D: Greek "i" (IOTA); 36D: Potato part served as an appetizer (SKIN); 38D: Forgets to mention (OMITS); 39D: Shoe securer (LACE); 43D: Scuffle souvenir (FAT LIP); 44D: What a solo homer produces (ONE RUN); 45D: Overdoes the sweetness (CLOYS); 46D: Girder fastener (RIVET); 47D: Send to cloud nine (ELATE); 48D: Flooded (AWASH); 49D: Greet someone casually (SAY HI); 50D: "Washington Journal" channel (C-SPAN); 54D: Unruly outbreak (RIOT); 55D: New mtge., e.g. (REFI); 56D: Graceful bird (SWAN); 58D: Word with belly or boiler (POT); 59D: Brandy bottle letters (VSO).

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