Theme answers:
- 17A: "Awesome!" ("OUTTA SIGHT!").
- 23A: 2006-'07 Microsoft release (WINDOWS VISTA).
- 37A: Financial projections (ECONOMIC OUTLOOK).
- 45A: Act embarrassingly in public (CREATE A SCENE).
- 58A: Cable TV offering (PAY-PER-VIEW).

Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
- 15A: Son of Seth (ENOS).
- 29A: Mideast honcho (EMIR).
- 60A: Hairy Himalayan, reportedly (YETI).
- 61A: Job site standards org. (OSHA).
- 51D: Hot time in Toulon (ÉTÉ).
Everything Else — 1A: Workshop holder (CLAMP); 6A: Fairy godmother's magic tool (WAND); 10A: Chopped-up fare (HASH); 14A: From around here (LOCAL); 16A: Indy racer (AUTO); 19A: Singer's syllables (TRAS); 20A: Rehab woes, briefly (DT'S); 21A: Monte __: gambling resort (CARLO); 22A: In pieces (APART); 25A: "Oops, sorry" ("MY BAD"); 28A: Cooped clucker (HEN); 30A: Member of the crew (SAILOR); 34A: Sleuths, for short (PI'S); 40A: Coll. helpers (TA'S); 41A: 1910s-'20s Ford assembly-line classic (MODEL T); 42A: Prefix with septic (ANTI-); 43A: Cone dropper (FIR); 44A: Expanse with waves (OCEAN); 52A: Jaunty tunes (LILTS); 53A: Fritter away (WASTE); 54A: Monopoly quartet: Abbr. (RRS.); 57A: Roller rink shape (OVAL); 62A: Where D.C. is, familiarly (U.S. OF A.); 63A: Part of a process (STEP); 64A: Pizza crust order (THIN); 65A: Out sick, say (NOT IN); 1D: Wad of dirt (CLOD); 2D: Boorish sort (LOUT); 3D: Stops stalling (ACTS); 4D: Place to wipe your shoes (MAT); 5D: Lake __, 1980 Winter Olympics town (PLACID); 6D: Very odd (WEIRD); 7D: English-speaking (ANGLO); 8D: "Not gonna happen" ("NO HOW"); 9D: Annual cause of losing an hr.'s sleep, perhaps (DST); 10D: Millinery accessory (HAT PIN); 11D: Subtle qualities (AURAS); 12D: Get going (START); 13D: Shade-tolerant plant (HOSTA); 18D: Start of many California city names (SAN); 22D: Keep from happening (AVERT); 23D: Say "Be careful" to (WARN); 24D: "Fore!" or "Olé!" (SHOUT); 25D: Encounter (MEET); 26D: Org. known by its first letter (YMCA); 27D: Revealing books, briefly (BIOS); 30D: Campground treat (S'MORE); 31D: Partner of abet (AID); 32D: Cooler cubes (ICE); 33D: Online cackle (LOL); 34D: Fried corn bread (PONE); 35D: Greek "i" (IOTA); 36D: Potato part served as an appetizer (SKIN); 38D: Forgets to mention (OMITS); 39D: Shoe securer (LACE); 43D: Scuffle souvenir (FAT LIP); 44D: What a solo homer produces (ONE RUN); 45D: Overdoes the sweetness (CLOYS); 46D: Girder fastener (RIVET); 47D: Send to cloud nine (ELATE); 48D: Flooded (AWASH); 49D: Greet someone casually (SAY HI); 50D: "Washington Journal" channel (C-SPAN); 54D: Unruly outbreak (RIOT); 55D: New mtge., e.g. (REFI); 56D: Graceful bird (SWAN); 58D: Word with belly or boiler (POT); 59D: Brandy bottle letters (VSO).
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