March 23, 2011
Farnk Virzi
Theme: TV Mash-Up — Theme answers are made-up two-word phrases where each word is the title of a television show.
Theme answers:
- 17A: Family line of bar makers? (SOAP DYNASTY).
- 24A: Windfall of chicken pieces? (WINGS BONANZA).
- 37A: Glasgow girl under a spell? (BEWITCHED LASSIE).
- 47A: Frat guy with a spatula? (HOUSE FLIPPER).
- 58A: Unwanted grass at the Cotton Bowl? (DALLAS WEEDS).

- 11A: Jet or time follower (LAG). I ridiculously entered SET without even thinking. Time set? Um … no.
- 15A: __ vincit amor (OMNIA). Latin for "Love conquers all."
- 22A: "The Road to Wealth" author (ORMAN). Suze ORMAN.
- 27A: Four-time Masters winner, familiarly (ARNIE). Arnold Palmer.
- 30A: Cockamamie (INANE). Cockamamie is an awesome word.
- 32A: Lloyd or Paul of Cooperstown (WANER). No idea. That A was the last letter I put in the grid. If I was still at the ACPT talking about this entry, no doubt Peter Gordon would be explaining all of the WANERs' accomplishments to me and giving me a you're-such-a-girl look. It's really hard to convince a huge baseball fan that a certain obscure baseball player is, indeed, obscure is what I'm saying.
- 57A: Popular ending? (-IZE). -IZE is a suffix that you can tack onto the end of the word "popular" to make "popularize."
- 65A: Terre Haute sch. (ISU). Indiana State University.
- 66A: They may be French (DOORS). I tried MOORS first. Are there Moors in France?
- 2D: "Am __ strict?" (I TOO). Overwhelming answer to this question when asked by today's parents? NO.
- 3D: Nana (GRAN). I tried GRAM first. In fact, I didn't even check the across answer and once I had finished the whole grid, I had to go back and find that mistake.
- 12D: Desilu co-founder (ARNAZ). Yes, that really is how Desi ARNAZ spells his last name.
- 39D: Part of NFC: Abbr. (CONF.). Northern [Something] Conference, right? Football? Yes, Football.
- 45D: Me. hours (EST). Eastern Standard Time in Maine (abbreviated Me.).
- 55D: Not much at all (A DAB). I tried A TAD first.
- 60D: Wall St. action (LBO). Leveraged buyout.

- 44A: City on the Aar (BERNE).
- 64A: Bunsen burner cousins (ETNAS).
- 26D: Turow work set at Harvard (ONE-L).
- 61D: 1940s mil. venue (ETO).
Everything Else — 1A: Note for a soprano (HIGH C); 6A: Puts away (JAILS); 14A: Heart chambers (ATRIA); 16A: Dander (IRE); 19A: "Wheel of Fortune" request (AN E); 20A: Huge amount (TON); 21A: Malamute and mastiff (DOGS); 31A: Vichyssoise veggie (LEEK); 34A: Teachers College advanced deg. (ED.D.); 41A: Pitches between innings? (ADS); 42A: Clod choppers (HOERS); 43A: Source of Davy Crockett's cap (COON); 46A: Slugger Ramirez (MANNY); 52A: Angiogram image (AORTA); 53A: Like San Francisco's Coit Tower (DECO); 54A: Google Earth image (MAP); 62A: Celestial Seasonings product (TEA); 63A: Hot coal (EMBER); 67A: Reservations (DOUBT); 1D: "... why __ thou forsaken me?": Matthew (HAST); 4D: With it (HIP); 5D: Links assistant (CADDIE); 6D: Mah-__ (JONGG); 7D: Build up (AMASS); 8D: __ and outs: peculiarities (INS); 9D: Blotto (LIT); 10D: Michener novel set in Japan (SAYONARA); 11D: "Michael Collins" star (LIAM NEESON); 13D: Davis of "A League of Their Own" (GEENA); 18D: "Who touches a hair of __ gray head ...": Whittier (YON); 23D: Campaigned (RAN); 24D: Collaborative Web site (WIKI); 25D: Tight spots (BINDS); 27D: Goya's "Duchess of __" (ALBA); 28D: Pond plant (REED); 29D: Reuters, e.g. (NEWS BUREAU); 32D: Big shot (WHEEL); 33D: Cousin of atmo- (AER-); 35D: "Runaround Sue" singer (DION); 36D: Say no to (DENY); 38D: Like some machinery nuts (THREADED); 40D: Fight memento (SCAR); 46D: Sounded like a Siamese (MEOWED); 47D: Greater Antilles nation (HAITI); 48D: Percolates (OOZES); 49D: Lazybones (IDLER); 50D: Orchard fruit (PEARS); 51D: IBM products (PC'S); 54D: Maître d's offering (MENU); 56D: Soft "Hey!" ("PSST!"); 59D: Latin 101 verb (AMO).
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