Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

08.15 Mon


August 15, 2011

Jeff Chen

Theme: I think YOU'LL like this puzzle — The last words of all theme answers rhyme, even though the rhyming sound is spelled differently each time.

Theme answers:

  • 17A: 1956 #1 hit for Elvis Presley (DON'T BE CRUEL).
  • 27A: Mr. T catch phrase (I PITY THE FOOL).
  • 47A: Cornerstone principle of democracy (MAJORITY RULE).
  • 61A: Eight-time Best Actor nominee who never won (PETER O'TOOLE).
Well, what have we got today? Simple theme, executed well, with interesting theme answers. Not much more you can ask for on a Monday. Lots of pop culture in this grid that I'm only vaguely familiar with. Thought 20A: DREA De Matteo of "The Sopranos" was a little tough for a Monday but then I remembered "The Sopranos" was a wildly popular show and just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it's obscure by any means. I also never watched whatever show URKEL was on (22A: '80s-'90s "Did I do that?" TV nerd), but the character has found its way into my consciousness by osmosis somehow. I also didn't ever see the LARA CROFT movie (32D: "Tomb Raider" role for Angelina Jolie) but remember thinking the movie posters looked kick-ass.

My favorite entries today are ROCK SOLID, RIFF, and LEGWORK (11D: Dependable beyond doubt / 23D: Jazz motif / 46D: Out-of-the-office detective duty). How about you?

Crosswordese 101 Round-up:

  • 18D: Morales of "La Bamba" (ESAI).
  • 55D: Fencing swords (ÉPÉES).
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Everything 1A: Shish __ (KABOB); 6A: 2008 "Yes We Can" sloganeer (OBAMA); 11A: ACLU concerns (RTS.); 14A: Prefix with -clast (ICONO); 15A: Group of secret schemers (CABAL); 16A: Neighbor of Wash. (ORE.); 17A: 1956 #1 hit for Elvis Presley (DON'T BE CRUEL); 19A: Cartoon collectible (CEL); 20A: De Matteo of "The Sopranos" (DREA); 21A: Fat-based bird feed (SUET); 22A: '80s-'90s "Did I do that?" TV nerd (URKEL); 24A: Having one's day in court? (ON TRIAL); 26A: "Revenge is __ best served cold" (A DISH); 27A: Mr. T catch phrase (I PITY THE FOOL); 31A: Choir section (ALTOS); 34A: Cold War country, briefly (USA); 35A: Chimney passage (FLUE); 36A: Scratch or scuff (MAR); 37A: Ostracized one (OUTCAST); 41A: Prefix with metric (ISO-); 42A: Recipient of a princess's kiss (FROG); 44A: Suffix for no-good (-NIK); 45A: Like days gone by (OLDEN); 47A: Cornerstone principle of democracy (MAJORITY RULE); 51A: Henry __ Lodge: WWI senator (CABOT); 52A: Final stage of a chess match (END GAME); 56A: "Sesame Street" resident (ERNIE); 57A: "Get lost, kitty!" ("SCAT!"); 59A: Adorn, as a birthday gift (WRAP); 60A: Below-the-belt (LOW); 61A: Eight-time Best Actor nominee who never won (PETER O'TOOLE); 64A: Musician's deg. (MFA); 65A: Dodge, as the press (EVADE); 66A: Address the crowd (ORATE); 67A: Cellos' sect. (STR.); 68A: Flew off the handle (RAGED); 69A: Gumbo vegetables (OKRAS); 1D: Friendly term of address (KIDDO); 2D: Oak tree-to-be (ACORN); 3D: Lisa of "The Cosby Show" (BONET); 4D: Easternmost Great Lake (ONTARIO); 5D: Reggae's Marley (BOB); 6D: Supernatural (OCCULT); 7D: Au naturel (BARE); 8D: Stand next to (ABUT); 9D: West of the silver screen (MAE); 10D: Refer (to) (ALLUDE); 11D: Dependable beyond doubt (ROCK SOLID); 12D: Kids' secret club meeting place (TREEHOUSE); 13D: Dispose of via eBay (SELL); 18D: Morales of "La Bamba" (ESAI); 23D: Jazz motif (RIFF); 25D: __ facto (IPSO); 26D: Cries of triumph (AHAS); 28D: Totally gross (YUCKY); 29D: Luggage-screening org. (TSA); 30D: "Exodus" author Uris (LEON); 31D: Car radio button (AM/FM); 32D: "Tomb Raider" role for Angelina Jolie (LARA CROFT); 33D: Conflict involving a fake horse (TROJAN WAR); 38D: Workbook chapter (UNIT); 39D: __ for tat (TIT); 40D: Sang like a canary, so to speak (TOLD); 43D: Mongolian desert (GOBI); 46D: Out-of-the-office detective duty (LEGWORK); 48D: Ebert's partner after Siskel (ROEPER); 49D: Parented (REARED); 50D: "Do __ others ..." (UNTO); 53D: Bustling with noise (AROAR); 54D: Island nation near Sicily (MALTA); 55D: Fencing swords (ÉPÉES); 56D: Shade trees (ELMS); 57D: Just for guys (STAG); 58D: Formally relinquish (CEDE); 62D: Perón of Argentina (EVA); 63D: As well (TOO).

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