Bernice Gordon
Theme: Owie — Clues for the theme answers consist of one word that follows the pattern O[x]IE.
Theme answers:

- 5A: One way to cope (ADAPT). I wanted this answer to be a phrase that starts with a preposition. Like "with gusto" or "by the numbers." Yes, I know neither of those phrases makes sense, that's not the point.
- 16A: Attorney general under Clinton (RENO). It's the biggest little city in the world, you know.
- 19A: Earth, in Essen (ERDE). German!
- 65A: Leaf-to-branch angle (AXIL). I had to discard the crossword-tastic ADIT and ANIL before I could get to this answer.
- 66A: Threshing instrument (FLAIL). Who knew?
- 68A: Anatomical blood carrier (VENA). Must some kinda high-falutin' word for "vein."
- 69A: Specialty (FORTE). I always pronounce this word like "fort," not like "for-tay." I like to think I'm right and everyone else is wrong.
- 13D: Down under kids (JOEYS). A JOEY is a young kangaroo.
- 27D: Dragsters' org. (NHRA). National Hot Rod Association.
- 38D: Roger of "Cheers" (REES).
- 63D: Church section (NAVE). You are forgiven if you tried APSE first.

- 14A: Midwest native (OTOE).
- 72A: Shore eagles (ERNES).
- 73A: River to the North Sea (YSER).
- 1D: Northwestern pear (BOSC).
- 53D: Pop singer Lopez (TRINI).
- 62D: "The Whiffenpoof Song" collegians (ELIS).
Everything Else — 1A: Purchases (BUYS); 10A: Key of Brahms's Symphony No. 3 (F MAJ.); 15A: Speeder's downfall (RADAR); 17A: Long story (SAGA); 18A: African title of respect (BWANA); 23A: China's Sun __-sen (YAT); 24A: Gallery administrator's deg. (MFA); 25A: Cry of success (YES); 26A: "Wait, there's more ..." ("AND …"); 29A: Ring 5-Downs (REFS); 32A: Last: Abbr. (ULT.); 40A: __-B: dental brand (ORAL); 41A: Trail (LAG); 42A: In charge of (OVER); 48A: Just fine, at NASA (AOK); 49A: Hors d'oeuvre spread (PATÉ); 50A: Fairbanks-to-Anchorage dir. (SSW); 51A: To the rear (AFT); 54A: Afternoon break (TEA); 56A: Sportscaster Cross (IRV); 67A: Sculptor's material (CLAY); 70A: Queen's home (HIVE); 71A: Blue-pencil (EDIT); 2D: Where Pioneer Day is celebrated (UTAH); 3D: Teammate of Mickey and Whitey (YOGI); 4D: Simmons alternative (SEALY); 5D: Settler? (ARBITER); 6D: Early light (DAWN); 7D: "Bonanza" brother (ADAM); 8D: Flier until '91 (PANAM); 9D: Waiter's burden (TRAYFUL); 10D: Thrown in (FREE); 11D: Like Hood's men (MERRY); 12D: Tennis great Agassi (ANDRE); 21D: Thrown missile (DART); 22D: __ Cynwyd, Philadelphia suburb (BALA); 26D: Tiny particle (ATOM); 28D: Campus VIP (DEAN); 30D: Kodak product (FILM); 31D: Rascal (SCAMP); 33D: "__'Clock Jump": Harry James recording (TWO O); 35D: A, in communications (ALFA); 36D: Cancún quencher (AGUA); 37D: Miles per gal., points per game, etc. (AVGS.); 39D: Made faces, perhaps (DREW); 44D: Roast, in Rouen (ROTI); 45D: Painter of Southwestern scenes (O'KEEFFE); 46D: Puts down (STIFLES); 47D: "The King and I" actress, 1956 (KERR); 51D: Desert growth (AGAVE); 52D: Sent, in a way (FAXED); 55D: "It's __ nothing!" (ALL OR); 57D: French hot springs town (VICHY); 59D: In need of tuning (FLAT); 60D: Do some mending (DARN); 61D: Location (SITE); 62D: "The Whiffenpoof Song" collegians (ELIS); 64D: Certain colorist (DYER).
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