Annemarie Brethauer
Theme: Variation on a Quote Theme — Last words of the theme answers are part of an historic quote.Theme answers:
- 18A: Normal damage (WEAR AND TEAR).
- 32A: End zone dance preceder (TOUCHDOWN).
- 38A: "Pay attention!" ("WATCH THIS!").
- 49A: Extensive Asian landmark (GREAT WALL).
- 63A: With the ends of 18-, 32-, 38- and 49-Across, an historic demand (MR. GORBACHEV).
- 54D: Born 2/6/1911, speaker of the demand (REAGAN).
I think I like this treatment of a quotation better than a typical quotation puzzle. The type of puzzle where the quotation itself makes up the theme answers is often relatively difficult to solve, but for some reason this way feels more interesting to me. I'll be eager to hear from "younger" solvers if they had any trouble with this. I feel like no matter your age, you should be familiar with this quotation, but that's easy for me to say because I was old enough to pay attention when when the actual speech was delivered.
- 1A: One not standing after a strike (PIN). Tricky clue right at 1 Across. Were you thinking of a picket-line kind of strike? I was.
- 15A: Tater Tots maker (ORE-IDA). Mmmm, Tater Tots.
- 20A: Object held by some Monet subjects (PARASOL).
- 55A: Jockey rival (HANES). I'm thinking "Isn't a jocky rival just … another jockey?" But this clue/answer pair is referring to brands of underwear. Awesome.
- 59A: Logician's "E," perhaps (ERAT). We've covered this in CW101. The "E" in Q.E.D. stands for ERAT.
- 67A: Where Dover is: Abbr. (ENG.). You're forgiven if you tried DELaware first. I know I did.
- 69A: City WNW of Boca (ST. PETE). The city names are, of course, Boca Raton and St. Petersburg. The fact that Boca Raton is referred to "slangily" (a word you only see in crossword clues) in the clue is a hint that the answer will also be a shortened version of the real thing.
- 10D: Foul-smelling (PUTRID). Did you wrinkle your nose at this one? It's funny how certain words can cause physical reactions.
- 26D: Plum pudding ingredient (SUET). I only know SUET as bird food and it doesn't look all that appetizing to me. Which might be why I've never tried plum pudding, I guess.
- 29D: Pacers' home: Abbr. (IND.). The INDiana Pacers of the N.B.A.
- 31D: Balneotherapy venue (SPA). I do not know what "balneotherapy" is. Well look at that, it's just a big old fancy word for a bath.
- 35D: Burgoo, e.g. (STEW). Ne-Ever heard of Burgoo.
- 39D: Bit of dough (CLAM). "Dough" and "clam" are both slang terms for money.
- 40D: Org. with an interlocking rings logo (IOC). The International Olympic Committee. But you knew that.
- 63D: Moonstruck (MAD). I'm not sure I knew that moonstruck = MAD. I think I've always assumed it was the same as starstruck. But it's not. Which is why it's a different word. (I know. Sometimes it takes me a while.)

- 4A: "Così fan tutte" composer (MOZART).
- 16A: Humerus neighbor (ULNA).
- 45A: "Livin' Thing" rock gp. (ELO).
- 59A: Logician's "E," perhaps (ERAT).
- 70A: LAX listing (ETA).
- 51D: Peter the Great, for one (TSAR).
- 64D: 17th Greek letter (RHO).
Everything Else — 10A: Fuel used in smokeless briquettes (PEAT); 14A: United (ONE); 17A: School gp. (PTA); 22A: "Born to Fly" singer Evans (SARA); 23A: __ out: barely makes (EKES); 24A: Bribes (SOPS); 27A: Exodus landmark (SINAI); 30A: Cubicle items (DESKS); 34A: Way to get up (STEPS); 36A: Party drink (TEA); 37A: Like Mars (RED); 42A: Nimitz letters (USS); 46A: Horde member (NOMAD); 53A: Worker with rattan (CANER); 56A: Israeli prime minister, 1969-'74 (MEIR); 58A: Diet brand word (LITE); 61A: Thames neighborhood (CHELSEA); 68A: Jezebel's husband (AHAB); 71A: Jobless benefit (DOLE); 72A: Assembly sites (PLANTS); 73A: Man cave, maybe (DEN); 1D: Visited unannounced, with "in" (POPPED); 2D: See 7-Down (INTAKES); 3D: Most convenient (NEAREST); 4D: Does some yardwork (MOWS); 5D: Droxies used to compete with them (OREOS); 6D: Extremist (ZEALOT); 7D: With 2-Down, engine conduits (AIR); 8D: Nutritional amt. (RDA); 9D: Darkens in the sun (TANS); 11D: Aquitaine duchess (ELEANOR); 12D: Women's tennis star Ivanovic (ANA); 13D: Sailor (TAR); 19D: Track event (DASH); 21D: Out of line (ASKEW); 25D: Road hazard (POTHOLE); 28D: Blow away (AWE); 33D: "Come Fly With Me" lyricist (CAHN); 41D: Trivial (SMALL); 42D: "That's disgusting!" ("UGH!"); 43D: E. Perón's title (SRA.); 44D: It nearly surrounds Gambia (SENEGAL); 47D: Liqueur flavoring (ANISEED); 48D: Cold War thaw (DÉTENTE); 50D: Oxygen-loving organism (AEROBE); 52D: Fungus-alga union (LICHEN); 57D: Butler at Tara (RHETT); 60D: 1/2 fl. oz. (TBSP.); 62D: Halloween et al. (EVES); 65D: Falcons, on scoreboards (ATL); 66D: Yr.-end adviser (CPA).
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