May 6, 2011
Peter Koetters
Theme: ZZZZzzzzzz — The letter string DD is changed to ZZ in familiar phrases.
Theme answers:
- 17A: Moving like a dog in a narrow tube? (MUZZLING THROUGH).
- 27A: Dud sparklers? (FIZZLE STICKS).
- 41A: One solving several crosswords simultaneously? (PUZZLE JUMPER).
- 50A: Brilliant bees? (BUZZING GENIUSES).

- 1A: Make sound (HEAL). Tricky clue. "Sound" in this case means healthy not, like, a noise.
- 5A: Fictional elephant (BABAR). I seem to recall people were mentioning other fictional elephants here the other day, but this is always the first one I think of. Oh yeah, DUMBO is the another.
- 19A: Spots on cartes (ILES). I first thought "cartes" was referring to menus, but then I remembered carte is the French word for map. (And ILE is the French word for island.) (French!)
- 40A: Wonder Woman weapon (TIARA). See now that's a TIARA I can get behind.
- 48A: Words after take or save (A SEAT). I am horrible — horrible! — at figuring out these kinds of clues.
- 49A: Z-zebra link (AS IN). Hey look! The clues are getting into the Z-fest too!
- 59A: __ breve (ALLA). If you were here yesterday, this shouldn't have been a problem.
- 4D: Songwriter Phair (LIZ). I had this song going through my head all day yesterday.
- 8D: NYC dance co. (ABT). American Ballet Theatre.
- 18D: Rank and file movers (ROOKS). I didn't know until a couple years ago that "rank" and "file" are words that refer to the columns and rows on a chessboard, but there you go.
- 44D: Sluglike alien strangled by Leia (JABBA). Lots of Star Wars this week.
- 55D: Money VIPs (EDS.). This is a reference to Money magazine and its EDitorS.

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered includes:
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Everything Else — 10A: Pine (ACHE); 16A: Gambler's marker (CHIT); 20A: Straight opening? (ORTHO-); 21A: Kennel worker (GROOMER); 25A: Greek sphinx, from the neck down (LIONESS); 29A: Good for growing, as soil (LOAMY); 30A: Traps (WEBS); 31A: Pick up (GET); 35A: Contempt (ODIUM); 37A: Stadium level (LOGE); 38A: Sigh relative (TSK); 39A: Othello, for one (MOOR); 47A: Häagen-Dazs array (SORBETS); 57A: Performer of many Dylan songs (BAEZ); 58A: San Diego Zoo attraction (GIANT PANDA); 60A: Folklore threats (OGRES); 61A: Not at all bleak (ROSY); 1D: It may be glazed (HAM); 2D: URL ending (EDU); 3D: Woodworking tool (ADZ); 5D: One holding property in trust (BAILEE); 6D: Li'l __: old-themed restaurant (ABNER'S); 7D: Traveling companions? (BAGS); 9D: Word of support (RAH); 10D: Cache crop? (ACORNS); 11D: Laundry conveyor (CHUTE); 12D: Good times (HIGHS); 13D: Group values (ETHOS); 15D: By a narrow margin (SLIMLY); 21D: Key of Schubert's Impromptu Op. 90, No. 3 (G-FLAT); 22D: Popular party people (RIOTS); 23D: Arkansas's ___ National Forest (OZARK); 24D: Baum princess (OZMA); 25D: Stead (LIEU); 26D: Warhead vehicle, briefly (ICBM); 28D: Pirouette (TWIRL); 31D: Blow one's top (GO APE); 32D: Coastal wader (EGRET); 33D: They may signify joy (TEARS); 35D: Exude (OOZE); 36D: Nap (DOZE); 37D: Branch (LIMB); 39D: Media lead-in (MULTI-); 40D: Source of some greens (TURNIP); 42D: Ascetic of yore (ESSENE); 43D: Articulations (JOINTS); 45D: Standard (USUAL); 46D: Chisel's edge (BEZEL); 51D: IHOP '__: takeout food program (N GO); 52D: Short job (GIG); 54D: __-cone (SNO); 56D: Mention (SAY).
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