June 5, 2011
Merl Reagle
[Note: This is the puzzle that appears in the Sunday L.A. Times newspaper. If you don't get the paper, you can find the puzzle here. Scroll down to see today's syndicated puzzle.]
Everything Else — 1A: Love-'em-and-leave-'em type (CAD); 4A: In ___ (agitated) (ASTEW); 9A: Face-to-face test (ORAL); 13A: Site of the Henley Regatta (THAMES); 19A: Pilot who kept ditching his plane in "Catch-22" (ORR); 20A: King Abdullah subject (SAUDI); 21A: Actress Ward (SELA); 22A: Tasmania's capital (HOBART); 26A: Body of work (OEUVRE); 27A: Native encountered by Captain Cook (MAORI); 28A: "A Treatise on Money" author (KEYNES); 29A: Mick Jagger's title (SIR); 31A: Spotted (SEEN); 32A: Early TV panelist Francis (ARLENE); 37A: "___ Fables" (AESOP'S); 41A: Vietnam Wall designer Maya (LIN); 42A: Word with snap or snow (PEA); 47A: Mae West accessory (BOA); 49A: Curmudgeon (GRUMP); 54A: Utterer of "I am Fortune's fool" (ROMEO); 55A: Suffices (DOES); 58A: Page with views (OP-ED); 59A: The brainy bunch (MENSANS); 61A: Juegos Olimpicos goal (ORO); 62A: Off the market, perhaps (SOLD); 63A: Corp. letters on many freight cars (CSX); 64A: Friend of Bat and Doc (WYATT); 65A: Word after "Ready" (AIM); 67A: Sunday contributions (TITHES); 73A: Slangy physician (MEDICO); 76A: Red or Yellow, Black or White (SEA); 77A: Marketing gimmick (TIE-IN); 78A: Berkeley school, popularly (CAL); 81A: Foreshadowing (OMEN); 82A: Wine-barrel material (OAK); 85A: Part of a train, often (FLATCAR); 87A: Weapon in Clue (ROPE); 91A: Health food store brand, Burt's ___ (BEES); 92A: George Sand and George Eliot (WOMEN); 93A: "The Thin Blue Line" director Morris (ERROL); 94A: Cheerleader's cry (RAH); 97A: It makes MADD mad (DUI); 99A: Part 2 of a sob (HOO); 101A: Ritual repasts (SEDERS); 108A: Star of "Blade" (SNIPES); 112A: Bakery buy (LOAF); 113A: "Monsters, ___" (INC.); 114A: Plaza Hotel pixie (ELOISE); 118A: Ryan of "Zero Effect" (O'NEAL); 119A: Nimble-fingered (ADROIT); 124A: Disregard (IGNORE); 125A: She walks into Rick's (ILSA); 126A: "Rawhide" singer (LAINE); 127A: Jack's inferior (TEN); 128A: Took a breather (RESTED); 129A: Nectar flavor (PEAR); 130A: Break a Commandment (STEAL); 131A: Thunder Bay's prov. (ONT.); 1D: Short stop? (COMMA); 2D: Really loud, as a crowd (AROAR); 3D: Covet strongly, with "over" (DROOL); 4D: Take ___ (get to like) (A SHINE TO); 5D: Reply facilitator, w/o the stamp (SAE); 6D: Walrus feature (TUSK); 7D: Jittery people are on it (EDGE); 8D: Like Ichabod Crane (WIRY); 9D: Seminole chief (OSCEOLA); 10D: Medicinal Asian mushroom (REISHI); 11D: It's below Tenn. (ALA.); 12D: It's often twirled (LASSO); 13D: Pop Warner coached him (THORPE); 14D: Clod chopper (HOE); 15D: Bullying, e.g. (ABUSE); 16D: Expert (MAVEN); 17D: Did a dumb thing (ERRED); 18D: Apt anagram of "notes" (STENO); 24D: Folded (CREASED); 25D: Tap dancer Miller (ANN); 30D: Harm (IMPAIR); 33D: Malt additive? (-ESE); 35D: "Closing Bell" network (CNBC); 36D: Ronzoni topper, maybe (RAGU); 38D: An audit may be one (ORDEAL); 39D: On the double (PRONTO); 40D: After-lunch breaks (SIESTAS); 43D: Florida floater, briefly (CROC); 44D: Word after a faux pas (OOPS); 45D: Visa rival, briefly (AMEX); 46D: Richmond was its cap. (CSA); 48D: Old cry of surprise (OHO); 50D: Reggae musician, often (RASTA); 51D: "That can't be good" ("UH-OH"); 52D: Lounging slipper (MULE); 53D: Stationery stock (PADS); 56D: Cow-horned goddess (ISIS); 57D: Blowhard's output (HOT AIR); 59D: 1963 Beach Boys song, "In ___" (MY ROOM); 60D: Like Bob Dylan's voice (NASAL); 64D: G.I. Jane, for one (WAC); 66D: Means something (MATTERS); 68D: Place with a keeper (INN); 69D: Dos y tres (CINCO); 70D: Dict. listings (DEFS.); 71D: Christianity's ___ Creed (NICENE); 72D: Made fun of (TEASED); 73D: Push a pawn, e.g. (MOVE); 74D: OPEC summit attendee (EMIR); 75D: Start of a diary entry (DEAR); 78D: Johnny's lasted five years in "The Dead Zone" (COMA); 79D: Did impressions of (APED); 80D: "Stormy Weather" singer's first name (LENA); 83D: Classic whodunit, "The List of ___ Messenger" (ADRIAN); 84D: Sedona or Sorento maker (KIA); 86D: "Avenue Q" song, "What Do You Do with ___ in English?" (A B.A.); 87D: "William Tell" composer (ROSSINI); 89D: Early automaker (OLDS); 90D: Surprised reply (OH HI); 92D: "The Red Badge of Courage," e.g. (WAR NOVEL); 95D: Medicinal-shampoo ingredient (COAL TAR); 96D: "You rang?" ("YES?"); 98D: As one (UNITED); 100D: Texas oil town (ODESSA); 102D: Pen name (FLAIR); 103D: Become stuck (LODGE); 104D: Comes by honestly (EARNS); 105D: Like skullduggery, perhaps (AFOOT); 106D: Show stopper? (V-CHIP); 107D: "___ amuse you?" (line from "Goodfellas") (DO I); 109D: Green basil sauce (PESTO); 110D: Already had something (EATEN); 111D: Viewpoint (SLANT); 115D: Poverty, pollution, and such (ILLS); 116D: Place on a plane (SEAT); 117D: "Night" writer Wiesel (ELIE); 120D: That burning feeling? (IRE); 122D: Spanish shout (OLÉ); 123D: California Santa? (ANA).
Theme: "English-Spanish" — English and Spanish words combined in puns.
Theme answers:
- 23A: Remark from someone who's always sponging off you? (MOOCHES GRACIAS).
- 34A: Comment from someone who doesn't understand Japanese theater? (NOH COMPRENDO).
- 43A: Country known for its amusement parks? (COASTER RICA).
- 56A: Biography subtitled, "A Dog's Life"? (I, CHIHUAHUA).
- 69A: Guitarist whose concerts are extremely well-attended? (CARLOADS SANTANA).
- 88A: "May God smile on your media conglomerate"? (VIACOM DIOS).
- 95A: Dish created by a "Honeymooners" star? (CARNEY ASADA).
- 102A: Holiday song that scares dogs? (FLEAS NAVIDAD).
- 121A: "Goodbye and good riddance!" (HOSTILE LA VISTA).
Everything Else — 1A: Love-'em-and-leave-'em type (CAD); 4A: In ___ (agitated) (ASTEW); 9A: Face-to-face test (ORAL); 13A: Site of the Henley Regatta (THAMES); 19A: Pilot who kept ditching his plane in "Catch-22" (ORR); 20A: King Abdullah subject (SAUDI); 21A: Actress Ward (SELA); 22A: Tasmania's capital (HOBART); 26A: Body of work (OEUVRE); 27A: Native encountered by Captain Cook (MAORI); 28A: "A Treatise on Money" author (KEYNES); 29A: Mick Jagger's title (SIR); 31A: Spotted (SEEN); 32A: Early TV panelist Francis (ARLENE); 37A: "___ Fables" (AESOP'S); 41A: Vietnam Wall designer Maya (LIN); 42A: Word with snap or snow (PEA); 47A: Mae West accessory (BOA); 49A: Curmudgeon (GRUMP); 54A: Utterer of "I am Fortune's fool" (ROMEO); 55A: Suffices (DOES); 58A: Page with views (OP-ED); 59A: The brainy bunch (MENSANS); 61A: Juegos Olimpicos goal (ORO); 62A: Off the market, perhaps (SOLD); 63A: Corp. letters on many freight cars (CSX); 64A: Friend of Bat and Doc (WYATT); 65A: Word after "Ready" (AIM); 67A: Sunday contributions (TITHES); 73A: Slangy physician (MEDICO); 76A: Red or Yellow, Black or White (SEA); 77A: Marketing gimmick (TIE-IN); 78A: Berkeley school, popularly (CAL); 81A: Foreshadowing (OMEN); 82A: Wine-barrel material (OAK); 85A: Part of a train, often (FLATCAR); 87A: Weapon in Clue (ROPE); 91A: Health food store brand, Burt's ___ (BEES); 92A: George Sand and George Eliot (WOMEN); 93A: "The Thin Blue Line" director Morris (ERROL); 94A: Cheerleader's cry (RAH); 97A: It makes MADD mad (DUI); 99A: Part 2 of a sob (HOO); 101A: Ritual repasts (SEDERS); 108A: Star of "Blade" (SNIPES); 112A: Bakery buy (LOAF); 113A: "Monsters, ___" (INC.); 114A: Plaza Hotel pixie (ELOISE); 118A: Ryan of "Zero Effect" (O'NEAL); 119A: Nimble-fingered (ADROIT); 124A: Disregard (IGNORE); 125A: She walks into Rick's (ILSA); 126A: "Rawhide" singer (LAINE); 127A: Jack's inferior (TEN); 128A: Took a breather (RESTED); 129A: Nectar flavor (PEAR); 130A: Break a Commandment (STEAL); 131A: Thunder Bay's prov. (ONT.); 1D: Short stop? (COMMA); 2D: Really loud, as a crowd (AROAR); 3D: Covet strongly, with "over" (DROOL); 4D: Take ___ (get to like) (A SHINE TO); 5D: Reply facilitator, w/o the stamp (SAE); 6D: Walrus feature (TUSK); 7D: Jittery people are on it (EDGE); 8D: Like Ichabod Crane (WIRY); 9D: Seminole chief (OSCEOLA); 10D: Medicinal Asian mushroom (REISHI); 11D: It's below Tenn. (ALA.); 12D: It's often twirled (LASSO); 13D: Pop Warner coached him (THORPE); 14D: Clod chopper (HOE); 15D: Bullying, e.g. (ABUSE); 16D: Expert (MAVEN); 17D: Did a dumb thing (ERRED); 18D: Apt anagram of "notes" (STENO); 24D: Folded (CREASED); 25D: Tap dancer Miller (ANN); 30D: Harm (IMPAIR); 33D: Malt additive? (-ESE); 35D: "Closing Bell" network (CNBC); 36D: Ronzoni topper, maybe (RAGU); 38D: An audit may be one (ORDEAL); 39D: On the double (PRONTO); 40D: After-lunch breaks (SIESTAS); 43D: Florida floater, briefly (CROC); 44D: Word after a faux pas (OOPS); 45D: Visa rival, briefly (AMEX); 46D: Richmond was its cap. (CSA); 48D: Old cry of surprise (OHO); 50D: Reggae musician, often (RASTA); 51D: "That can't be good" ("UH-OH"); 52D: Lounging slipper (MULE); 53D: Stationery stock (PADS); 56D: Cow-horned goddess (ISIS); 57D: Blowhard's output (HOT AIR); 59D: 1963 Beach Boys song, "In ___" (MY ROOM); 60D: Like Bob Dylan's voice (NASAL); 64D: G.I. Jane, for one (WAC); 66D: Means something (MATTERS); 68D: Place with a keeper (INN); 69D: Dos y tres (CINCO); 70D: Dict. listings (DEFS.); 71D: Christianity's ___ Creed (NICENE); 72D: Made fun of (TEASED); 73D: Push a pawn, e.g. (MOVE); 74D: OPEC summit attendee (EMIR); 75D: Start of a diary entry (DEAR); 78D: Johnny's lasted five years in "The Dead Zone" (COMA); 79D: Did impressions of (APED); 80D: "Stormy Weather" singer's first name (LENA); 83D: Classic whodunit, "The List of ___ Messenger" (ADRIAN); 84D: Sedona or Sorento maker (KIA); 86D: "Avenue Q" song, "What Do You Do with ___ in English?" (A B.A.); 87D: "William Tell" composer (ROSSINI); 89D: Early automaker (OLDS); 90D: Surprised reply (OH HI); 92D: "The Red Badge of Courage," e.g. (WAR NOVEL); 95D: Medicinal-shampoo ingredient (COAL TAR); 96D: "You rang?" ("YES?"); 98D: As one (UNITED); 100D: Texas oil town (ODESSA); 102D: Pen name (FLAIR); 103D: Become stuck (LODGE); 104D: Comes by honestly (EARNS); 105D: Like skullduggery, perhaps (AFOOT); 106D: Show stopper? (V-CHIP); 107D: "___ amuse you?" (line from "Goodfellas") (DO I); 109D: Green basil sauce (PESTO); 110D: Already had something (EATEN); 111D: Viewpoint (SLANT); 115D: Poverty, pollution, and such (ILLS); 116D: Place on a plane (SEAT); 117D: "Night" writer Wiesel (ELIE); 120D: That burning feeling? (IRE); 122D: Spanish shout (OLÉ); 123D: California Santa? (ANA).
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