Senin, 06 Juni 2011

06.06 Mon

June 6, 2011
Jack McInturff

Theme: Did I stutter?? — Hard to explain, just look at the answers and you'll get it.

Theme answers:

  • 17A: Mechanic's excessively affected gadget box? (TOO TOO TOOL CHEST).
  • 26A: Fashionable farm nestling? (CHI CHI CHICK).
  • 47A: Dance contest winner? (CHA CHA CHAMP).
  • 61A: High-kicking dancer at an audition? (CAN CAN CANDIDATE).
Pretty cute theme for a Monday. I kinda wish they had all either changed the pronunciation or not changed the pronunciation, but since there are two of each I can't really complain. The only thing I guess I could complain about is the crosswordese. Whoa Nelly! there's a lot of it in this grid. I mean, I know it's Monday and everything, so I'm expecting a smattering, but this sure seems like a lot. On the other hand, we get "IT'S A TRAP!" (52A: "They'll ambush you if you go in there!"), which is an awesome phrase, and BLURT (64A: Reveal impulsively), which is an awesome word, so all in all I'm going to say fine.

  • 67A: Fibber of old radio (MCGEE). I'm not old enough to really know who Fibber MCGEE is except that he (he?) has something to do with old radio.

  • 1D: Former Yugoslav leader (TITO).
  • 11D: "The Cosby Show" boy (THEO). PuzzleHusband and I just started watching "30 Rock" this week. I know, I know. We're a little slow. Anyway, there was a reference to THEO Huxtable in one of the first couple of episodes. I know you're thrilled.
  • 63D: Blonde's secret, maybe (DYE). Is it really a secret? My hair was very blonde until my mid 30s, and I always kind of felt like the fact that the blonde was natural was my little secret. I just assumed everyone thought it was dyed.
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
  • 15A: Most fit to serve (ONE-A).
  • 16A: Sodas for Radar O'Reilly (NEHIS).
  • 21A: First Japanese golfer to win a PGA Tour event (ISAO AOKI).
  • 22A: Rajah's wife (RANI).
  • 31A: Gallantry-in-combat mil. award (DSC).
  • 41A: Letters on a cross (INRI).
  • 66A: Tar Heel State university (ELON).
  • 68A: Terrier variety (SKYE).
  • 10D: "The Merry Widow" composer (LEHAR).
  • 13D: Italian wine city (ASTI).
  • 18D: Colorful fish (OPAH).
  • 29D: Cola's first consonant (HARD C).
  • 49D: Mozart's "__ fan tutte" (COSÌ).
  • 50D: Mother-of-pearl (NACRE).
  • 59D: Thames school (ETON).
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Everything Else 1A: "Gone With the Wind" plantation (TARA); 5A: Interactive Facebook feature (WALL); 9A: Prefix with sonic or violet (ULTRA-); 14A: Press, as pants (IRON); 20A: Ready to be drawn from a keg (ON TAP); 25A: Damaged, as mdse. (IRR.); 34A: Dryer screen target (LINT); 35A: Collaborating group (TEAM); 36A: Blacksmith, at times (SHOER); 38A: "The King __" (AND I); 39A: Take everything off (STRIP); 42A: City near Syracuse (UTICA); 44A: Blade's sharp side (EDGE); 45A: Wildebeests (GNUS); 46A: Govt. ID issuer (SSA); 50A: Revival prefix (NEO-); 51A: Easy gait (TROT); 57A: Agreed (with) (SIDED); 65A: Cafeteria carrier (TRAY); 69A: Emailed or faxed (SENT); 2D: Presley's middle name (ARON); 3D: Cheer (for) (ROOT); 4D: South Pole continent, with "the" (ANTARCTIC); 5D: Seek as a spouse (WOO); 6D: Tiny hill crawler (ANT); 7D: Sainted fifth-century pope (LEO I); 8D: Cambodia neighbor (LAOS); 9D: Opens, as wine (UNCORKS); 12D: Insurer's exposure (RISK); 19D: Of the flock (LAIC); 23D: "Picked" complaints (NITS); 24D: Summer drink (ICE TEA); 26D: Santa __ (CLAUS); 27D: Clues (HINTS); 28D: Taj Mahal home (INDIA); 30D: "Put me down as a maybe" ("I MIGHT"); 31D: Designer Karan (DONNA); 32D: Inoculated fluid (SERUM); 33D: Like well-cooked bacon (CRISP); 37D: Times when sand castles are destroyed (HIGH TIDES); 40D: Tree fruit (PEAR); 43D: Film material (ACETATE); 48D: Traffic jam honker (HORN); 52D: Long-range warhead carrier, briefly (ICBM); 53D: Soft mineral (TALC); 54D: Like a bug in a rug (SNUG); 55D: Play divisions (ACTS); 56D: Amusement __ (PARK); 58D: Carnegie or Evans (DALE); 60D: Fender damage (DENT); 62D: Rejecting vote (NAY).

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