July 8, 2011
Don Gagliardo & C.C. Burnikel
Theme: Take As Directed — Theme answers are familiar two-word phrases where the first word is a direction. Instead of including the direction word, the second word of the phrase is oriented in the grid so that you have to read it in that "direction."
Theme answers:
- 1A: Aptly, Chinese, e.g. (ASIAN). [East Asian]
- 6A: Aptly, Park Avenue area (SIDE). [East side]
- 10A: Aptly, New Jersey beach phenomenon (WIND). [East wind]
- 67A: Aptly, Israeli-occupied territory (KNAB). [West Bank]
- 68A: Aptly, Oval Office site (GNIW). [West Wing]
- 69A: Aptly, Hollywood locale (TSAOC). [West Coast]
- 1D: Aptly, about 5 percent of the Earth's surface (ACIREMA). [North America]
- 46D: Aptly, Pyongyang resident (NAEROK). [North Korean]
- 13D: Aptly, Pierre's state (DAKOTA). [South Dakota]
- 45D: Aptly, "Happy Talk" musical (PACIFIC). [South Pacific]
- 37A: "Apt" geographical element needed to complete the answers to 10 of this puzzle's clues (DIRECTION).

- 50A: "So soon?" ("ALREADY?").
- 60A: "Shoot!" ("RATS!").
- 44D: "Are we in?" ("IS IT A GO?").
- 18A: Tour de force (FEAT).
- 11D: Succinctly (IN A WORD). Another great colloquial phrase. Love it.
- 30D: Quebec's Sept-__ (ILES). Never heard of this. It sounds vaguely … French! doesn't it?
- 41D: '70s Robert Blake cop show (BARETTA). I just had a question about BARETTA tonight when I was playing Facebook Jeopardy. It had something to do with this:
- 51D: Trendy headgear (DO-RAG). Trendy? Okay.
- 54D: Foot bone (TALUS). I tried TARSI first and then wondered where the hell I came up with that. Turns out the TALUS is part of the TARSUS. The fact that I tried to enter a plural for a singular clue? Well, that's another story.
- 16A: Conscription category (ONE-A).
- 59A: European wine area (ASTI).
- 9D: Big name in compacts (ESTÉE).
- 35D: Thames landmark (ETON).
Everything Else — 14A: Treinta ÷ seis (CINCO); 15A: Some Neruda works (ODES); 17A: "What else __?" (IS NEW); 19A: Terrible (WACK); 20A: Bona fide (REAL); 21A: Wall makeup, maybe (STONES); 23A: Intl. commerce group (WTO); 24A: Anger (ENRAGE); 28A: '60s chic (MOD); 29A: Virgil contemporary (OVID); 32A: Earth, to 29-Across (TERRA); 33A: 29-Across's "__ amatoria" (ARS); 34A: Contradict (BELIE); 36A: Pop-ups, perhaps (ADS); 40A: Diamond stat (RBI); 42A: Assault (STORM); 43A: Spot in a poker game (PIP); 46A: Isn't far from reaching (NEARS); 48A: Like some blog comments: Abbr. (ANON.); 49A: Peruvian pronoun (ESA); 53A: Kind of acid (NITRIC); 56A: Relax (GO EASY); 62A: Relative position (RANK); 63A: "... __ of Bread ..." (A LOAF); 64A: "__ take arms against a sea ...": Hamlet (OR TO); 2D: Latin agreement (SÍ SENOR); 3D: Machine makeup, informally (INNARDS); 4D: Amtrak's bullet train (ACELA); 5D: Word of impatience (NOW); 6D: Lax (SOFT); 7D: Prefix with logical (IDEO-); 8D: Heads with lists (DEANS); 10D: Eye-popper response (WOW); 12D: Bee drawers (NECTARS); 21D: Break off (SEVER); 22D: Warmed the bench (SAT); 25D: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" setting (GOBI); 27D: Certain counter's unit? (BEAN); 31D: Orders (DICTA); 37D: Urgent (DIRE); 38D: It may be dramatic (IRONY); 39D: Luxury hotel (OMNI); 40D: Freshen one's familiarity with (RELEARN); 43D: Public projection (PERSONA); 47D: Slump (SAG); 52D: Long (YEARN); 57D: Objector (ANTI); 58D: Slant, as to a specific audience (SKEW); 61D: Graveside sound (SOB); 63D: Popeye's behind? (AFT).
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