July 13, 2011
Pete Muller

Theme: Vowell Progression — Each theme answer is a familiar phrase the last word of which follows the pattern T[x]LL, where x = a vowel.
Theme answers:
- 17A: Men's clothing category (BIG AND TALL).
- 22A: 1993 military directive (DON'T ASK DON'T TELL).
- 33A: Bad thing to be caught with at work, with "a" (HAND IN THE TILL).
- 46A: Wears greatly (TAKES A HEAVY TOLL).
- 54A: Rock and roll band whose lead singer often played flute solos (JETHRO TULL).

- 1A: Pop singer Jackson (JANET). Miss Jackson if you're nasty.
- 10A: Rubella symptom (RASH). Ew.
- 21A: Sushi bar spirits: Var. (SAKIS). Not a fan of this spelling, but I assume it couldn't be helped. You know what makes it worse though? 50D: Alt. spelling (VAR.). Oops!
- 29A: Sony portable since 1984 (DISCMAN). I'm pretty sure mine is here stuck in a box somewhere. Do they still make them?
- 41A: Droll comic Wright (STEVEN). "I'm going to make a life-size map of the United States. It'll say 'One mile = one mile.'"
- 5D: Grunt's helmet (TIN HAT). Pretty sure I learned this from crosswords.
- 37D: Sharon of "Boston Public" (LEAL). Apparently there's a new rule that the grid always has to include a beautiful woman that I've never heard of.
- 54D: Java (JOE). If you did the NYT first today, you probably didn't have any trouble with this one.

- 16A: Pelvic bones (ILIA).
- 27A: Orbital extreme (APOGEE).
- 53A: Translucent stone (OPAL).
- 62A: Exxon, previously (ESSO).
- 2D: Jackie's "O" (ARI).
- 48D: __ Park, Colorado (ESTES).
Everything Else — 6A: Create a cobbler (BAKE); 14A: Tabriz resident (IRANI); 15A: Astonishes (AWES); 19A: 53-Across et al. (GEMS); 20A: Harmonizing groups (CHOIRS); 26A: Building supporter (JOIST); 28A: Emilio Estevez, to Martin Sheen (SON); 38A: Seers (ORACLES); 39A: Large loafer letters (EEE); 44A: Overfamiliar (BANAL); 51A: Small streams (RILLS); 52A: Prized statuettes (OSCARS); 58A: Musical Horne (LENA); 59A: Snack with a removable top (OREO); 60A: Dutch export (TULIP); 61A: Shuteye aids? (LIDS); 63A: Serene spots (EDENS); 1D: Sail at the front (JIB); 3D: Pester (NAG); 4D: Passes, as legislation (ENACTS); 6D: Javanese hand-dyed fabric (BATIK); 7D: Prize (AWARD); 8D: Kutcher's "That '70s Show" role (KELSO); 9D: Alien's subj. (ESL); 10D: Trattoria tubes (RIGATONI); 11D: It's tapped in a pub (ALE KEG); 12D: Black as night, e.g. (SIMILE); 13D: Bother (HASSLE); 18D: Lavish parties (DO'S); 21D: Mar. honoree (ST. PAT); 22D: Party spinners, briefly (DJ'S); 23D: "I'm really impressed!" ("OOOH!"); 24D: Simone of jazz (NINA); 25D: When repeated, squeals (NAMES); 29D: Beloved princess (DIANA); 30D: "Monsters, __" (INC.); 31D: Cardinal letters (STL); 32D: Friend of Fidel (CHE); 34D: "Animal Farm" et al. (NOVELLAS); 35D: Work code subject (DRESS); 36D: Letterman rival (LENO); 40D: Pipe shape (ELL); 41D: Leisurely walk (STROLL); 42D: Republic of China capital (TAIPEI); 43D: Bond girl Britt of "The Man With the Golden Gun" (EKLAND); 44D: Without thinking (BY ROTE); 45D: Like some retired racehorses (AT STUD); 47D: Gardeners, at times (HOERS); 48D: __ Park, Colorado (ESTES); 49D: Allergic reaction (ACHOO); 55D: Gran- suffix (ULE); 56D: Architect Maya __ (LIN); 57D: 22-Down's vinyls (LP'S).
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