Theme answers:
- 16A: Opening with a thud? (BAD DEBUT).
- 19A: Staple in a Hollywood first-aid kit? (STAR GAUZE).
- 26A: Compulsion to set up camp? (TENT DURESS).
- 34A: Hoss and Little Joe's off-color jokes? (PONDEROSA RAUNCH).
- 43A: Civil unrest in Brest? (FRENCH FURY).
- 50A: Restrain a legendary soul seller? (HOLD FAUST).
- 58A: Classy accommodations at the Spider Ritz? (WEB SUITE).
- 47D: "Have a nice day" response, and a literal hint to this puzzle's theme (YOU TOO).

- 1A: Bucolic (PASTORAL). "Bucolic" sounds too much like "bubonic" to me, so I can never remember at first that it means something pleasant.
- 13A: Wood preservative (CREOSOTE). I didn't realize it was a preservative. I just thought it was something that ruined your chimney.
- 25A: Source of Ulee's gold (BEES). Someone mentioned this recently (was it just yesterday??), so here ya go:
- 49A: Gulf of Finland city (ESPOO). I don't know what to say about this, I just wanted to highlight it.
- 4D: "The Fox and the Hound" fox (TOD). I don't know what this means.
- 46D: House Judiciary Committee chair during the Nixon impeachment hearings (RODINO). I know a lot of names associated with the whole Watergate thing, but RODINO isn't one of them.
- 56D: Rancher's concern (HERD). I tried "head" first.
- 61D: Trendy boot brand (UGG). Where I live, 9-year-olds need to have them. Ugh.

- It's the sixth Jewish month, falling between Shevat and Nisan.
- Purim takes place in ADAR.
- Purim is also sometimes known as the Feast of Esther.
- The Feast of Esther follows the Fast of Esther, known in Hebrew as Ta'anit Esther.
Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
- 29A: She played Emma in "The Avengers" (UMA).
- 40A: Lake near Niagara Falls (ERIE).
- 9D: Old lab heaters (ETNAS).
- 10D: Isaac's eldest (ESAU).
- 23D: Raison d'__ (ÊTRE).
- 51D: European capital (OSLO).
Everything Else — 14A: Plays the class clown (CUTS UP); 17A: Showy (ORNATE); 18A: Overseas fem. title (SRA.); 21A: Clueless (AT SEA); 32A: Mideast language (IRANI); 33A: Support group? (BRAS); 41A: Atlanta campus (EMORY); 42A: Jets coach Ryan (REX); 48A: Fizzled out (DIED); 55A: Word with a head slap (DUH); 57A: Six-Day War country (ISRAEL); 62A: Insurer of Tina Turner's legs (LLOYD'S); 63A: One transferring property rights, in law (ASSIGNOR); 64A: Plenty (TONS); 65A: As terrific as they say (THAT GOOD); 1D: Banned pollutants (PCB'S); 2D: Biblical resting place (ARARAT); 3D: Composed (SEDATE); 5D: Suffix with fruct- (OSE); 6D: Hold up (ROB); 7D: "Do you bite your thumb __, sir?": "Romeo and Juliet" (AT US); 8D: Riga resident (LETT); 11D: Eponymous skater Alois __ (LUTZ); 12D: WWI German vice-admiral (SPEE); 14D: Centers (CORES); 15D: Prods (URGES); 20D: Justice Fortas (ABE); 22D: Derisive (SNIDE); 24D: Month before Nisan (ADAR); 27D: Card game warning (UNO); 28D: Out of bed (RISEN); 29D: Still-life subject (URN); 30D: Bud (MAC); 31D: Tip for a smoker? (ASH); 33D: Corner the market on (BUY UP); 34D: In accordance with (PER); 35D: It may be found in a deposit (ORE); 36D: Outlaw (NIX); 37D: Onetime Jeep mfr. (AMC); 38D: Architect Mies van der __ (ROHE); 39D: Pound sounds (ARFS); 43D: Fluted, in a way (FIFED); 44D: Old Spanish coins (REALS); 45D: Web address ender (EDU); 48D: Critical moments to gear up for (D-DAYS); 50D: Maximum degree (HILT); 52D: Hubbard of Scientology (L. RON); 53D: Team acronym (SWAT); 54D: John with Emmys and a journalism award (TESH); 59D: Jamboree gp. (BSA); 60D: Be in session (SIT).
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