Theme answers:
- 17A: Battle of the Bulge air assault division (SCREAMING EAGLES).
- 23A: Doppelgänger (SPITTING IMAGE).
- 34A: It's hard to get romantic with one (NAGGING HEADACHE).
- 48A: Reason to see a mechanic (WHINING ENGINE).
- 56A: Admonition to one acting out the starts of 17-, 23-, 34- and 48-Across (MIND YOUR MANNERS).

As usual for a later-week puzzle, there were several things that I just flat-out didn't know. Like:
- 29A: Incarnation of Vishnu (RAMA). I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about Hinduism. Wikipedia tells me that RAMA, the "seventh avatar of Vishnu, … is pictured as the ideal man and the perfect human." No pressure though, RAMA.
- 64A: Mythical animal kingdom ennead (LIVES). I still don't know what this means and can't figure it out by Googling. I assume it has something to do with a cat's nine lives, right? But how does "kingdom" fit in? I'm at a loss!
- 6D: "__ Baba Bunny": classic Bugs cartoon (ALI). Now I definitely should have been able to infer this one, but I didn't spend much time and got it through crosses instead.
- 8D: Leia's last name (ORGANA). I knew that Princess Leia turned out to be the sister of one of the main Star Wars guys, so "Solo" and "Skywalker" both went through my head. I don't remember ever hearing of ORGANA though.
- 19D: Angular measurement device used in surveying (ALIDADE). From what I can tell, ALIDADE has only been used twice in any of the major crossword puzzles, both times in 2000. Once in a Newsday Saturday Stumper and once in a Saturday CrosSynergy puzzle. Personally, I think there's a good reason it doesn't show up more often, but maybe that's just me.

- 10A: Lock style (COIF). So many different words for hair!
- 30A: Alice's workplace (DINER). I hate it when I get so close to an answer but can't see it. First I thought of "Alice's Restaurant" and when that didn't fit I thought of Mel's Diner. My brain wouldn't just drop the "Mel's" in order to get the right answer though. Argh!
- 40A: Important no. to most car buyers (MPG). I tried APR here first.
- 43A: Sheer (STEEP). Very tricky. This is like a "sheer cliff" not "sheer stockings."
- 51A: Reservoir borders? (ARS). A letter R ("ar") is on each end ("border") of the word "reservoir." (We talked about literal letters back in August of last year.)
- 4D: Nest chorus (CHEEPS). I tried "chirps" here.
- 11D: Checked out, as a book (ON LOAN). I read this clue as a verb and couldn't shift gears to make it an adverb until it became clear through crosses.
- 13D: Uncle at 0001 Cemetery Lane, in '60s TV (FESTER). The Addams Family.
- 18D: First name in shipping (ARI). Shipping magnate and Jackie Kennedy's second husband, Ari Onassis.
- 39D: Callaway of golf equipment fame (ELY). We talked about ELY back in April of last year, but this guy didn't make the cut. Note to constructors: this is the second day in a row you included a golf clue that wasn't a gimme for me. I get it. You can stop now.
- 46D: Rainforest rodent (AGOUTI). We'll cover this in Crosswordese 301.
- 59D: Sra.'s neighboring counterpart (MME.). English = Mrs.; Spanish = Sra. (Señora); French = MME. (Madame).

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
- 20A: Willows for weavers (OSIERS).
- 41A: Coastal raptor (ERNE).
- 1D: Gas acronym (ESSO).
- 7D: Hall of Fame quarterback Dawson (LEN).
- 35D: Feds (G-MEN).
- 36D: "__ go bragh!" (ERIN).
- 54D: Columnist Bombeck (ERMA).
- 55D: Nieuwpoort's river (YSER).
Everything Else — 5A: Iconic rings (HALOS); 14A: JV team member, perhaps (SOPH); 15A: Warning (ALERT); 16A: Back in the day (ONCE); 21A: Cause to suffer (AIL); 22A: Word with meal or cake (OAT); 27A: Name on an airport shuttle (AVIS); 31A: Yang's partner (YIN); 32A: Clue (HINT); 33A: Cul-de-__ (SAC); 42A: It starts with "http" (URL); 46A: Desertlike (ARID); 47A: Teeny (ITSY); 52A: Besides (TOO); 53A: __ Tunes (LOONEY); 60A: Court entry (PLEA); 61A: Shopping list entries (ITEMS); 62A: "Woe __!" (IS ME); 65A: Peter or Paul, but not Mary (TSAR); 2D: Holliday and others (DOCS); 3D: Revolting situation (UPRISING); 5D: Target of pre-race stretching (HAMSTRING); 9D: "Shrek!" author William (STEIG); 10D: Minor player (COG); 12D: Cooling-off period? (ICE AGE); 24D: Bite (TANG); 25D: "Count me in!" ("I'M THERE!"); 26D: Mineral with basal cleavage (MICA); 27D: Writer Rand (AYN); 28D: Routing word (VIA); 32D: __ Hop: bouncing ball brand (HIPPITY); 35D: Feds (G-MEN); 37D: Kitten's quality (CUTENESS); 38D: Retail posting: Abbr. (HRS.); 43D: Overwhelms (SWAMPS); 44D: Rollercoaster ride, e.g. (THRILL); 45D: Former Disney chief (EISNER); 47D: Part of a conspiracy (IN ON IT); 50D: Charged particle (ION); 57D: Courtroom VIPs (DA'S); 58D: Test, as an engine (REV).
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