Theme: "No More" — The letters NO are inserted into familiar phrases.
[Note: This is the puzzle that appears in the Sunday L.A. Times newspaper. If you don't get the paper, you can find the puzzle here. Scroll down to see today's syndicated puzzle.]
Theme answers:- 22A: Puck, perhaps? (KITCHEN NOTABLE).
- 34A: Rookie fleet head? (NOVICE ADMIRAL).
- 54A: Prize-winning song? (NOBEL CANTO).
- 74A: Wanderers' wherewithal? (NOMAD MONEY).
- 92A: Bamboozler who rules? (KING OF SNOWING).
- 109A: Pick up wine on the way? (MAKE A PINOT STOP).
- 15D: Where golfer Lee serves sundaes? (TREVINO FOUNTAIN).
- 40D: Cheers for singer Jones? (NORAH NORAH NORAH).
Everything Else — 1A: Alicante appetizers (TAPAS); 6A: Pro bono TV ad (PSA); 9A: Deli loaf (RYE); 12A: Frost lines? (POETRY); 18A: Consolation (SOLACE); 19A: Pantomimes (ACTS OUT); 21A: Admittance (ENTREE); 24A: Brewer of music (TERESA); 25A: Berkeley's county (ALAMEDA); 26A: River of Memphis (NILE); 27A: Laments (GRIEVES); 28A: Prominent periods (ERAS); 29A: Bangladesh capital (DACCA); 31A: Winter air (CAROL); 33A: Acct. amt. (INT.); 37A: Rooney or Roddick (ANDY); 38A: Barley beard (AWN); 41A: DEA agents (NARCS); 42A: Indiana pol Bayh (EVAN); 43A: --- -mo (SLO); 44A: "November" author (HOOD); 46A: Reverse of NNW (SSE); 47A: "Isn't it rich? Are we ---?" (A PAIR); 49A: Edberg of tennis (STEFAN); 52A: Show up (ARRIVE); 57A: "Livin' --- Prayer" (ON A); 58A: "High Noon" marshal (KANE); 59A: Flight segment (STAIR); 60A: Crying need? (TEAR DUCT); 62A: Dickinson's home (AMHERST); 64A: Circus prop (STILT); 67A: Apprentice (TRAINEE); 68A: Ordered (MANDATED); 70A: Exploits (DEEDS); 72A: Goons' guns (GATS); 73A: DDE's command (ETO); 77A: Empathize (RELATE); 79A: "Passions and Impressions" penner Pablo (NERUDA); 81A: Rodeo rope (RIATA); 82A: Campus URL ending (EDU); 84A: Gentlemen (SIRS); 85A: Quick --- 86A (AS A); 86A: See 85A (WINK); 87A: "Run Runaway" rockers (SLADE); 89A: MoMA's home (NYC); 90A: Dept. of Labor arm (OSHA); 96A: Scout group (DEN); 97A: "Scent of a Woman" dance (TANGO); 98A: "--- how I roll" (THAT'S); 99A: Soviet news agency (TASS); 102A: Wedding on the run (ELOPING); 104A: Sow chow (SLOP); 105A: Paper art (ORIGAMI); 108A: String of things (SERIES); 112A: Justice Antonin (SCALIA); 113A: Sent via Twitter (TWEETED); 114A: Conceals (CLOAKS); 115A: Acropolis locale (ATHENS); 116A: Cat call (MEW); 117A: 1960s activist org. (SDS); 118A: Chesney or G (KENNY); 1D: Decorative linen (TOILE); 2D: Rite place (ALTAR); 3D: Arcade classic (PACMAN); 4D: Dean in Truman's cabinet (ACHESON); 5D: Bit of finch food (SEED); 6D: Wok, for one (PAN); 7D: Wall brackets (SCONCES); 8D: Theseus' land (ATTICA); 9D: Choir attire (ROBE); 10D: "Taras Bulba"'s Brynner (YUL); 11D: Time before "automne" (ÉTÉ); 12D: Glastonbury gas (PETROL); 13D: Newsman Roger (O'NEIL); 14D: To be, in Burgundy (ÊTRE); 16D: E-mail again (RESEND); 17D: Zestful (YEASTY); 18D: Reggae kin (SKA); 20D: Soup alternative (SALAD); 23D: Lowest points (NADIRS); 27D: "--- Torino" (GRAN); 30D: Highlight (ACCENT); 31D: Palindromic kind of pride (CIVIC); 32D: Peak in the Bible (ARARAT); 35D: Ming thing (VASE); 36D: Square thing (MEAL); 37D: Pub suds (ALE); 38D: "Eureka!" ("AHA!"); 39D: Associate on the job (WORKMATE); 43D: Trunk function (STORAGE); 45D: Took a few courses (DINED); 47D: Slightly (A BIT); 48D: August birthstone (PERIDOT); 49D: Sky light (STAR); 50D: Tree line? (ANCESTRY); 51D: Interior designer Berkus (NATE); 53D: Portico kin (VERANDA); 55D: Western treaty grp. (OAS); 56D: Garden State hoopsters (NETS); 59D: Pipe part (STEM); 61D: Uses an old phone (DIALS); 62D: "You said it!" ("AMEN!"); 63D: Greek colonnade (STOA); 65D: Singer Horne (LENA); 66D: Kickoff aid (TEE); 69D: Intrepid (DARING); 71D: Same-vat yarn batch (DYE LOT); 75D: Down Under dog (DINGO); 76D: Shark variety (MAKO); 77D: Designer Gernreich (RUDI); 78D: PC bailout key (ESC); 80D: MA, IN, LA, ND, etc. (USA); 83D: First "Family Feud" host (DAWSON); 86D: Long arm of the daw? (WING); 87D: Flipped out (SNAPPED); 88D: Authorize (ENTITLE); 90D: Texas oil town (ODESSA); 91D: Take your pick (SELECT); 92D: "Dust in the Wind" group (KANSAS); 93D: NJ town (FT. LEE); 94D: Little pigs (SHOATS); 95D: Has difficulty swallowing (GAGS ON); 97D: Marketing ploy (TIE-IN); 100D: Rosemary's baby-daddy (SATAN); 101D: Great --- Mountains (SMOKY); 103D: Stack (PILE); 104D: Distort (SKEW); 106D: Word with salt or solid (ROCK); 107D: Tape speed meas. (IPS); 109D: "Lou Grant" production co. (MTM); 110D: Blow away (AWE); 111D: Psyche segments (IDS).
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