January 8, 2011
Harvey Estes

Theme: None
I'm sorry, gang, but it's just one of those days. All I can do today is post the grid for you. Please have at it in the comments. Doug will be here with your Sunday puzzle tomorrow and I'll see you back here Monday. Have a great weekend!
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
Everything Else — 1A: Worker with many keys (VALET); 6A: Fleece (CLIP); 10A: Nick Saban's team, familiarly (BAMA); 14A: Motel convenience (ICE MACHINE); 17A: Quicker picker-uppers? (STIMULANTS); 18A: City on the Rhône (LYON); 19A: Pigeon (EASY TARGET); 20A: Actress Anderson (LONI); 21A: Guilty and more (PLEAS); 22A: Dodge (RUSE); 23A: Juice carriers (WIRES); 28A: Go astray (ERR); 29A: Fountain contemporary (HIRT); 30A: Foolishness (INANITY); 32A: Spot remover, at times (SPONSOR); 35A: Surfing equipment (MODEMS); 36A: It purrs when it's cared for (ENGINE); 37A: Got ready for a big date (PRIMPED); 39A: Stepped on it, with "up" (SPEEDED); 40A: Boxes of calendars? (DAYS); 41A: Mountain West Conference athlete (UTE); 43A: Code subject (DRESS); 44A: Builder's truckload (FILL); 45A: High school math calculations (AREAS); 47A: One fighting something (ANTI); 48A: Mixed condiment (GARLIC SALT); 54A: Early exile (CAIN); 55A: Cause of senselessness (ANESTHESIA); 57A: "Don't waste your time" ("IT'S USELESS"); 58A: Driving aids (TEES); 59A: Biweekly tide (NEAP); 60A: Trip interruptions (FLATS); 1D: Workbench item (VISE); 2D: Court records (ACTA); 4D: Peabody relative (EMMY); 5D: Having no play (TAUT); 6D: Pride of country music (CHARLEY); 7D: Extend one's stay (LINGER); 8D: Visibly moved (IN TEARS); 9D: Raid targets (PESTS); 10D: Churches with carillons don't need one (BELL RINGER); 11D: Being supportive (AT YOUR SIDE); 12D: Opalescent gems (MOONSTONES); 13D: Warbucks's charge (ANNIE); 15D: What fans do (CLAP); 23D: Unlikely hero (WIMP); 24D: Extreme (INORDINATE); 25D: Automotive innovation that improved fuel economy (RADIAL TIRE); 26D: Front borders (ENEMY LINES); 27D: Ninnies (SIMPS); 29D: Perfected (HONED); 31D: Japanese financial market inits. (TSE); 33D: Dash (PEP); 34D: Film for which Warren Beatty won a Best Director Oscar (REDS); 38D: Mrs. Calabash's creator (DURANTE); 39D: Shrink-wraps, e.g. (SEALS UP); 42D: Mother in Calcutta (TERESA); 44D: Aspect (FACET); 45D: Over (AGAIN); 46D: Is in session (SITS); 49D: Frequent taster (CHEF); 50D: Push, in a way (SELL); 51D: Cruising (ASEA); 52D: Where guests may be ticked off? (LIST).
Harvey Estes

Theme: None
I'm sorry, gang, but it's just one of those days. All I can do today is post the grid for you. Please have at it in the comments. Doug will be here with your Sunday puzzle tomorrow and I'll see you back here Monday. Have a great weekend!
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
- 16A: Thames landmark (ETON).
- 56A: French 101 verb (ÊTRE).
- 3D: Floral gifts (LEIS).
- 53D: Sputnik coverer (TASS).
Everything Else — 1A: Worker with many keys (VALET); 6A: Fleece (CLIP); 10A: Nick Saban's team, familiarly (BAMA); 14A: Motel convenience (ICE MACHINE); 17A: Quicker picker-uppers? (STIMULANTS); 18A: City on the Rhône (LYON); 19A: Pigeon (EASY TARGET); 20A: Actress Anderson (LONI); 21A: Guilty and more (PLEAS); 22A: Dodge (RUSE); 23A: Juice carriers (WIRES); 28A: Go astray (ERR); 29A: Fountain contemporary (HIRT); 30A: Foolishness (INANITY); 32A: Spot remover, at times (SPONSOR); 35A: Surfing equipment (MODEMS); 36A: It purrs when it's cared for (ENGINE); 37A: Got ready for a big date (PRIMPED); 39A: Stepped on it, with "up" (SPEEDED); 40A: Boxes of calendars? (DAYS); 41A: Mountain West Conference athlete (UTE); 43A: Code subject (DRESS); 44A: Builder's truckload (FILL); 45A: High school math calculations (AREAS); 47A: One fighting something (ANTI); 48A: Mixed condiment (GARLIC SALT); 54A: Early exile (CAIN); 55A: Cause of senselessness (ANESTHESIA); 57A: "Don't waste your time" ("IT'S USELESS"); 58A: Driving aids (TEES); 59A: Biweekly tide (NEAP); 60A: Trip interruptions (FLATS); 1D: Workbench item (VISE); 2D: Court records (ACTA); 4D: Peabody relative (EMMY); 5D: Having no play (TAUT); 6D: Pride of country music (CHARLEY); 7D: Extend one's stay (LINGER); 8D: Visibly moved (IN TEARS); 9D: Raid targets (PESTS); 10D: Churches with carillons don't need one (BELL RINGER); 11D: Being supportive (AT YOUR SIDE); 12D: Opalescent gems (MOONSTONES); 13D: Warbucks's charge (ANNIE); 15D: What fans do (CLAP); 23D: Unlikely hero (WIMP); 24D: Extreme (INORDINATE); 25D: Automotive innovation that improved fuel economy (RADIAL TIRE); 26D: Front borders (ENEMY LINES); 27D: Ninnies (SIMPS); 29D: Perfected (HONED); 31D: Japanese financial market inits. (TSE); 33D: Dash (PEP); 34D: Film for which Warren Beatty won a Best Director Oscar (REDS); 38D: Mrs. Calabash's creator (DURANTE); 39D: Shrink-wraps, e.g. (SEALS UP); 42D: Mother in Calcutta (TERESA); 44D: Aspect (FACET); 45D: Over (AGAIN); 46D: Is in session (SITS); 49D: Frequent taster (CHEF); 50D: Push, in a way (SELL); 51D: Cruising (ASEA); 52D: Where guests may be ticked off? (LIST).
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