January 11, 2011
Don Gagliardo

Theme: Lots of Ls — Um … lots of Ls.
Theme answers:
Good morning. I'm up super early today to get this post up for you, so let's just see how well my brain works at this time of the morning, shall we? I love the funky-looking grid we have today. Reminds me of those little whirly things on a stick that you blow on and they spin around. I'm sure those things have a name. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen the name of them in a puzzle. But I can't think of it now. Did I mention it's early?
Here's the thing about the theme. It's fine. I like the triple-L theme answers and I like the way the L blocks look in the grid. L-BAR? That really doesn't mean anything to me. If you Google it, many of the hits you'll get will be BARS aimed at a clientele of people whose lifestyle is sometimes referred to with a word that starts with the letter L. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Like I-beam and H-beam (and to a lesser extent T-nut) I assume an L-BAR is a real thing and has something to do with construction. Other than that, an L-BAR doesn't really have any significant presence in my life. So okay. The theme is L-BARS. Moving on.
I almost finished with an error and I wonder if any of you did the same thing? I plopped TIN in where TAN goes (4D: Bronze relative). I don't actually think that TIN and BRONZE are "relatives" but I already had the T and the N and I know that TIN and BRONZE have something to do with each other — which, I guess could make them "relatives" ... but now I'm just rambling. I was pretty sure it wasn't right when I put it in, is what I'm saying. So when I made my way back up to that section and saw ILKI, my hesitation was confirmed. I can't say that I know who ILKA Chase is (14A: Chase on stage) and I wasn't entirely sure her name wasn't ILKE. I mean, when you've got a ridiculous name like that, it really could end with just about anything, right? (Totally teasing about the ridiculousness of the name. It's actually a pretty cool name. Please don't write to me about my insensitivity.)
Everything Else — 1A: 17-Across in the neck (PEST); 5A: Adventurous (RISKY); 10A: Domesticated (TAME); 17A: See 1-Across (PAIN); 20A: Bigger photo: Abbr. (ENL.); 22A: Horror maven Craven (WES); 25A: Sphere (ORB); 27A: Was beaten by (FELL TO); 29A: Midday energizer (POWER NAP); 34A: K-6 (ELEM.); 35A: Stroll (WALK); 37A: Vowel before omicron (IOTA); 38A: Bounty rival (VIVA); 41A: Picket line crosser (SCAB); 42A: Garden site (EDEN); 43A: Actor Neeson (LIAM); 44A: Finishes the road (TARS); 45A: Got sick again (RELAPSED); 48A: Like some quaint lamps (OIL-LIT); 50A: Fair grade (CEE); 52A: Workshop sprite (ELF); 55A: Crete-born "View of Toledo" painter (EL GRECO); 59A: Texas ranch initials (LBJ); 66A: Trace (TINGE); 67A: Future atty.'s hurdle (LSAT); 69A: Preminger et al. (OTTOS); 1D: Lounging jacket wearer's smoke, maybe (PIPE); 5D: Pasadena arena (ROSE BOWL); 6D: Andean ancient (INCA); 8D: Masseuse's challenge (KNOT); 9D: Cowardly (YELLOW); 10D: Business card abbr. (TEL.); 11D: Speak bluntly (AVOW); 12D: Cats' quarry (MICE); 13D: Benevolent lodgeful (ELKS); 19D: Ancient strings (LYRE); 24D: Farmers' publication? (ALMANAC); 26D: Brush component (BRISTLE); 28D: Say "bo's'n," say (ELIDE); 29D: Scottish pattern (PLAID); 30D: Gumbo pod (OKRA); 33D: Big name in beer (PABST); 36D: Up to the task (ABLE); 40D: Wet ones, so to speak (SMOOCHES); 46D: Banana discard (PEEL); 47D: Have as a customer (SELL TO); 52D: Makeup accentuates them (EYES); 53D: Recline lazily (LOLL); 54D: Do a slow burn (FUME); 56D: Trot or canter (GAIT); 57D: Litter's littlest (RUNT); 58D: Kellogg's toaster brand (EGGO); 60D: Donkey's protest (BRAY); 61D: Ballet leap (JETÉ); 63D: Sad (LOW).
Don Gagliardo

Theme: Lots of Ls — Um … lots of Ls.
Theme answers:
- 18A: Passé keyboard key (SCROLL LOCK).
- 62A: "I'm afraid this will sound funny" (YOU'LL LAUGH).
- 3D: Video game difficulty setting (SKILL LEVEL).
- 31D: Names on it are off-limits to telemarketers (NO-CALL LIST).
- 39A: Angle irons graphically represented by four sets of black squares in this grid, and by letter formations starting in the four longest answers (L-BARS).
- 64D: Ernie of the PGA, to whom this puzzle could be dedicated (ELS).

Here's the thing about the theme. It's fine. I like the triple-L theme answers and I like the way the L blocks look in the grid. L-BAR? That really doesn't mean anything to me. If you Google it, many of the hits you'll get will be BARS aimed at a clientele of people whose lifestyle is sometimes referred to with a word that starts with the letter L. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Like I-beam and H-beam (and to a lesser extent T-nut) I assume an L-BAR is a real thing and has something to do with construction. Other than that, an L-BAR doesn't really have any significant presence in my life. So okay. The theme is L-BARS. Moving on.

- 15A: Cat-__-tails (O-NINE). That is one ugly partial. And yet, I got it immediately, so can I really complain?
- 16A: Wicked (EVIL).
- 21A: Extremely, in Essex (BEASTLY). I need to keep a little notebook of all the words I see in crossword puzzles that I want to start using. I always say it here — "I'm going to start using this word" — but then I forget.
- 23A: Follower of Mary (LAMB). For a minute, I thought this clue was a reference to a radio alphabet.
Then I remembered that when people say "M as in Mary" that's not the word used in the radio alphabet and actually sounds kinda wimpy. Of course now that I look it up, I see that the actual word used is MIKE and that's not much better. Oh look! The LAPD does use MARY. I take back everything I said.
- 68A: Boatload (SLEW).
- 7D: Letter addressees (SIRS). If there was ever a clue that could use a "passé" ….
- 21D: NYC subway line named for two boroughs (BMT). Nice to see the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit getting a little love. Usually, we only see the IRT here in CrossWorld.
- 27D: Hyped-up feeling (FEVER).
- 49D: Stock mkt. debut (IPO). Initial Public Offering. But you knew that.
- 51A: German GM subsidiary (OPEL).
- 64A: Dublin's land (EIRE).
- 65A: Red Muppet (ELMO).
- 70A: Eyelid problem (STYE).
- 2D: Verve (ELAN).
- 32D: Big name in video games (ATARI).
- 64D: Ernie of the PGA, to whom this puzzle could be dedicated (ELS).
Everything Else — 1A: 17-Across in the neck (PEST); 5A: Adventurous (RISKY); 10A: Domesticated (TAME); 17A: See 1-Across (PAIN); 20A: Bigger photo: Abbr. (ENL.); 22A: Horror maven Craven (WES); 25A: Sphere (ORB); 27A: Was beaten by (FELL TO); 29A: Midday energizer (POWER NAP); 34A: K-6 (ELEM.); 35A: Stroll (WALK); 37A: Vowel before omicron (IOTA); 38A: Bounty rival (VIVA); 41A: Picket line crosser (SCAB); 42A: Garden site (EDEN); 43A: Actor Neeson (LIAM); 44A: Finishes the road (TARS); 45A: Got sick again (RELAPSED); 48A: Like some quaint lamps (OIL-LIT); 50A: Fair grade (CEE); 52A: Workshop sprite (ELF); 55A: Crete-born "View of Toledo" painter (EL GRECO); 59A: Texas ranch initials (LBJ); 66A: Trace (TINGE); 67A: Future atty.'s hurdle (LSAT); 69A: Preminger et al. (OTTOS); 1D: Lounging jacket wearer's smoke, maybe (PIPE); 5D: Pasadena arena (ROSE BOWL); 6D: Andean ancient (INCA); 8D: Masseuse's challenge (KNOT); 9D: Cowardly (YELLOW); 10D: Business card abbr. (TEL.); 11D: Speak bluntly (AVOW); 12D: Cats' quarry (MICE); 13D: Benevolent lodgeful (ELKS); 19D: Ancient strings (LYRE); 24D: Farmers' publication? (ALMANAC); 26D: Brush component (BRISTLE); 28D: Say "bo's'n," say (ELIDE); 29D: Scottish pattern (PLAID); 30D: Gumbo pod (OKRA); 33D: Big name in beer (PABST); 36D: Up to the task (ABLE); 40D: Wet ones, so to speak (SMOOCHES); 46D: Banana discard (PEEL); 47D: Have as a customer (SELL TO); 52D: Makeup accentuates them (EYES); 53D: Recline lazily (LOLL); 54D: Do a slow burn (FUME); 56D: Trot or canter (GAIT); 57D: Litter's littlest (RUNT); 58D: Kellogg's toaster brand (EGGO); 60D: Donkey's protest (BRAY); 61D: Ballet leap (JETÉ); 63D: Sad (LOW).
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