Donna S. Levin
Hi, everybody, and welcome to the new L.A. Crossword Confidential. I felt like we needed a little remodeling around here, so I hope you like the new look! I can't help but notice that this blog is getting an awful lot of traffic these days and I assume that means many of you find it entertaining or enlightening or … something. I don't know. Maybe you just can't help from coming back to see what kind of stupid mistakes I make on a daily basis. But whatever your reason, I truly appreciate you all stopping by so often. I write this blog because I love solving puzzles and I love writing about puzzles — but mostly I love hearing from other Puzzle People. Putting this blog together every day obviously takes time and if it's something that has become important to you — for whatever reason and to whatever degree — I hope you'll consider donating a few dollars if you have it to spare. I know it's a bad economy and people are stretched thin these days, so if it's not something you can do, please know that I appreciate the fact that you're here whether or not you're able to contribute. I added the donation button (over there on the sidebar!) because I was asked more than once if I had one. I've never made a big deal out of it and I don't plan to mention it again for at least another year. But I didn't think you all would be too offended if I just pointed it out this week in case you're interested. And now let's get back to the PuzzleTalk!
Theme: Tennis Anyone? — Last words of the theme answers can be tennis-related.
Theme answers:
- 17A: Does some Web browsing (SURFS THE NET).
- 24A: Coming-out gala (DEBUTANTE BALL).
- 37A: Demand accompanied by a banging gavel (ORDER IN THE COURT).
- 47A: Illegal lottery (NUMBERS RACKET).
- 58A: Lateral epicondylitis (and a possible injury hinted at by the ends of 17-, 24-, 37- and 47-Across) (TENNIS ELBOW).

- If you squint, it kinda looks like we have a mini-Hawaiian theme going on with the second row of acrosses: ALOHA / HULA / LEI. (14A: Honolulu hello (ALOHA) / 15A: NFL's winningest coach Don (SHULA) / 16A: Below-the-belt (LOW)).
- 28A: Forever and ever (ALWAYS).
- 34A: NFL six-pointers (TD'S). I'm pretty sure even the sports-challenged among us was able to get this one, right?
- 42A: La Virginie et la Caroline du Sud (ÉTATS). That's a pretty long way to go for ÉTATS. The clue says "Virginia and South Carolina" only in French. You know who loved this clue? SethG.
- 65A: Family Stone frontman (SLY).
- 6D: Enjoys faddish popularity (IS HOT). When I was looking back through the grid, I parsed this as "I shot," which can only mean one thing.
- 34D: Phonograph component (TURNTABLE). All you whippersnappers out there probably don't even know what this means!

- 1D: Submission encl. (SASE).
- 33D: Baseball great Mel (OTT).
- 40D: Big Apple theater award (OBIE).
- 45D: Some TVs (RCA'S).
- 47D: Cards and Phils (NL'ERS).
Everything Else — 1A: Finalize, as a deal (SEW UP); 6A: "Let __!": "Start the ball rolling!" (IT RIP); 11A: Sleep attire, briefly (PJ'S); 19A: "The Kids __ All Right": 2010 film (ARE); 20A: Building wing (ELL); 21A: Photographed (SHOT); 22A: Brownish-green eye color (HAZEL); 30A: Rolled grain (OATS); 31A: Clark's love (LOIS); 32A: "Me, too!" ("SO AM I!"); 41A: Casual shirt (TEE); 43A: La __ Tar Pits (BREA); 44A: Karate blow (CHOP); 45A: Restrain (REIN IN); 52A: Tibetan capital (LHASA); 53A: Bedouin, ethnically (ARAB); 54A: Eyjafjallajökull residue (ASH); 57A: Get stuck for, as a cost (EAT); 62A: Regret (RUE); 63A: Furry "Star Wars" creatures (EWOKS); 64A: Track event (RELAY); 66A: Thick (DENSE); 67A: Nerdy types (GEEKS); 2D: 12th Hebrew month (ELUL); 3D: Global (WORLDWIDE); 4D: 300 to 3,000 MHz (UHF); 5D: Elapse (PASS BY); 7D: It precedes iota (THETA); 8D: Pantyhose woe (RUN); 9D: Sight in the Seine (ILE); 10D: Pitiful (PATHETIC); 11D: Eloise's hotel, with "the" (PLAZA); 12D: Superman's birth father (JOR-EL); 13D: Peachy (SWELL); 18D: Ergo (THUS); 23D: Crunch targets (ABS); 25D: Relax, as restrictions (EASE); 26D: __ Ark (NOAH'S); 27D: Like most pets (TAME); 28D: Scads (A LOT); 29D: Wisdom of the elders (LORE); 32D: Clothes fasteners (SNAPS); 35D: Eins und zwei (DREI); 36D: Ollie's partner (STAN); 38D: Readied the leftovers, say (REHEATED); 39D: "... believe __ not!" (IT OR); 44D: "Survivor" network (CBS); 46D: Anita of "La Dolce Vita" (EKBERG); 48D: Amateur mover's rental (U-HAUL); 49D: Sailor's sobriquet (MATEY); 50D: Military levels (RANKS); 51D: Get up (ARISE); 55D: Hose down for a while (SOAK); 56D: Major rtes. (HWYS.); 59D: Woolly farm female (EWE); 60D: Rouen refusal (NON); 61D: Important name in Virginia history (LEE).
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