Theme answers:
- 17A: Pre-1991 Russian veto? (SOVIET BLOCK).
- 29A: West Florida currency? (TAMPA BAY BUCK).
- 35A: Assault by killer trucks? (BIG MACK ATTACK).
- 43A: Construct a microscopic house? (BUILD ON SPECK).
- 57A: Jumpy bug? (NERVOUS TICK).

- 14A: '60s-'70s San Francisco mayor (ALIOTO).
- 27A: Genes responsible for hereditary variations (ALLELES).
- 46D: Trillionth: Pref. (PICO-).
- 32D: Slightly eccentric (PIXILATED).

What else:
- 1A: Like some teeth (GAPPED). I had to work pretty hard up in this little corner. PuzzleFamily is getting read for vacation, but we're not driving so GAS UP (1D: Get ready to travel) didn't occur to me at all. Then I entered a C for the G — capped teeth, reasonable right? — and was really confused. Obviously worked it out eventually.
- 20A: Certain cardholder's cry (UNO). Tried "gin" first.
- 33A: Reactor safety overseer: Abbr. (NRC). Not sure exactly what this stands for, but I'm guessing the N is for "nuclear." Hold on … Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Looking stuff up for you. Just another service provide.
- 42A: He beat Okker to win the 1968 U.S. Open (ASHE). I don't believe I've ever heard of Okker, but "1968 U.S. Open" pointed me right to the gentleman from Virginia.
- 53A: Developmental step (STAGE). Tried "phase."
- 54A: E lead-in (B-C-D). Random alphabet string. ugh.
- 56A: Chickadee relative (TIT). Heh.
- 64A: Easter Island attraction (STATUE). This didn't come to my mind At All, but as soon as I got it, it was a real head-desk moment. I guess I've never really thought too much about those statues. Obviously, I've seen pictures of them, but I don't know anything about them.
- 2D: All by oneself (ALONE). See also 25D: Dateless (STAG).
- 6D: Web outfit (DOT COM). For the record, there's no period in DOT COM. I don't know if it's hyphenated or not and, honestly, I don't care. But there is no period right in the middle of that word. Because that wouldn't make any sense.
- 11D: Fashionable repast (LATE LUNCH). My favorite entry.
- 40D: Magic, at one time (NBA STAR). Even though I have When the Game Was Ours (by Larry Bird and Earvin "Magic" Johnson) sitting right on my bedstand, I was tricked by this one.
- 60D: Cardinal's letters (STL). More sports.

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
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Everything Else — 7A: Recover (HEAL); 11A: WWII Normandy lander (LST); 15A: Business opening? (AGRI-); 16A: National Poetry Mo. (APR.); 19A: Madre's brother (TIO); 21A: Bit of tryst talk (COO); 22A: Boot (EJECT); 24A: Site of some adoptions (PET SHOP); 31A: On __ with (A PAR); 34A: Opposing vote (NAY); 40A: Equi- ending (NOX); 48A: Out there (AT LARGE); 49A: Occupy (INHABIT); 55A: Uracil is one of its basic components (RNA); 62A: __ Zion Church (AME); 63A: Gunk (CRUD); 65A: Not the color of money? (RED); 66A: Directors' banes (HAMS); 67A: Respected ones (ELDERS); 3D: Scissors feature (PIVOT); 4D: Islands staple (POI); 5D: Time to tan in Cannes (ÉTÉ); 7D: Symbol of virtue (HALO); 8D: Kind of trip taken by oneself? (EGO); 9D: Circle part (ARC); 10D: Plausible (LIKELY); 13D: One of the original Politburo members (TROTSKY); 18D: Comet Hale-__ (BOPP); 23D: Bush seen in Florida (JEB); 26D: Hurt (HARM); 27D: Incantation beginning (ABRA); 28D: Milk: Pref. (LACT-); 30D: Singer Paul and family (ANKAS); 31D: "Finally!" ("ABOUT TIME!"); 37D: Art film theater (CINE); 38D: Driver's gadget, for short (TACH); 39D: "May I __ favor?" (ASK A); 44D: Hang back (LAG); 45D: Soak (DRENCH); 47D: Ultimate purpose (END USE); 50D: Shiny, in product names (BRITE); 51D: Bring upon oneself (INCUR); 52D: Directors' units (TAKES); 54D: Some underwear (BVD'S); 58D: Notable period (ERA); 59D: Mai tai ingredient (RUM); 61D: Pinch (TAD).
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