SUNDAY, August 1, 2010 — John Lampkin (syndicated)
Theme: "Them's Fightin' Words" — Violent puns!
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 23A: Protective gear for public disorder? (RIOT GUARD).
- 28A: Condiments aisle dispute? (CATSUP BATTLE).
- 43A: Looker in a free-for-all? (THE BELLE OF THE BRAWL).
- 67A: Hostility between pinky wrestlers? (FINGER FEUD).
- 69A: Couple that's always at it? (CLASH MATES).
- 90A: Grammar class skirmishes? (PREPOSITIONAL FRAYS).
- 106A: Table game for tusslers? (SCUFFLE BOARD)
- 117A: Pasta before an affaire d'honneur? (DUEL CARBS).
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:- 101A: Botanist Gray (ASA).
- 102A: Gardner that sounds like a peer (ERLE).
- 53D: Ret. fliers (SST'S).
- 60D: "If I Were King of the Forest" singer (LAHR).
- 67D: Online sidebar headings (FAQ'S).
- 71D: Cheering in a big way (AROAR).
- 83D: Old U.S. gas (ESSO).
- 108D: Andy's kid (OPIE).
- 109D: Per (A POP).
Everything Else — 1A: Stop at sea, with "to" (HEAVE); 6A: CD changers, at times (DJ'S); 9A: Tossed in (ADDED); 14A: Seasonal flue shouts (HO HOS); 19A: "The Wizard of Oz" tunesmith (ARLEN); 20A: __ race (RAT); 21A: NPR host Hansen (LIANE); 22A: Critic with an influential thumb (EBERT); 25A: Crossword components (GRIDS); 26A: Roger Bannister, notably (MILER); 27A: Handlers in a bucket (ICE TONGS); 30A: Slip (ERR); 31A: "Evita" role (CHE); 32A: Certain dancer's hope (RAIN); 33A: Ending with Japan (-ESE); 34A: Poking tool (AWL); 37A: Talk turkey? (GOBBLE); 40A: Diet guru Jenny (CRAIG); 42A: Worry (FRET); 47A: __ avail (TO NO); 48A: Monogram pts. (LTRS.); 49A: Lecture site (HALL); 50A: Dagger handles (HAFTS); 54A: Knotty situation? (NODUS); 56A: Solid alcohol (STEROL); 58A: Bookplate words (EX LIBRIS); 61A: Dogsledding gear (PARKA); 63A: Like some Byzantine art (ICONIC); 65A: Bodybuilder's target, briefly (LAT); 66A: Rep. (AGT.); 72A: Eroded, with "away" (ATE); 73A: Bit of baloney (LIE); 74A: Flap-doored homes (TEPEES); 76A: Redder inside (RARER); 77A: Agate and jasper (QUARTZES); 80A: "m" and "n" sounds (NASALS); 82A: Like 2-Down (NORSE); 84A: Binge (SPREE); 85A: Broadway successes (HITS); 87A: Pro follower (RATA); 89A: Some fuel suffixes (-ANES); 95A: Drama opening? (MELO-); 98A: Main blood line (AORTA); 99A: Golfer's "flat stick" (PUTTER); 100A: Baseball's Durocher (LEO); 103A: Kid (TOT); 104A: Double-digit sign? (VEE); 110A: Ice cream order (ONE SCOOP); 115A: It's trolled at Christmas (CAROL); 116A: Like fall air, often (NIPPY); 118A: Bizet work (OPERA); 119A: Some jazz combos (TRIOS); 120A: Uplifting garb (BRA); 121A: Boobs (ASSES); 122A: Principle (TENET); 123A: Skillful (ADEPT); 124A: Nile snake (ASP); 125A: Not a good way to come up (SHORT); 1D: Spy name (HARI); 2D: "The Red" guy (ERIC); 3D: Burn balm (ALOE); 4D: Stingray, e.g., for short (VETTE); 5D: Swallow greedily (ENGORGE); 6D: __ race (DRAG); 7D: Honey holders (JARS); 8D: Part of EST: Abbr. (STD.); 9D: Pool owner's concern (ALGAE); 10D: Tabloid fodder (DIRT); 11D: Speaker's platform (DAIS); 12D: Like minor hardships (ENDURABLE); 13D: Very blue state (DESPAIR); 14D: Bodybuilder (HE-MAN); 15D: Ultimate words? (OBIT); 16D: With 55-Down, Beatles song with the line "You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer" (HELTER); 17D: Ultimatum words (OR ELSE); 18D: Mason's assistant (STREET); 24D: Open, as a scroll (UNROLL); 28D: Toque wearer (CHEF); 29D: Anaheim stadium nickname (BIG A); 31D: Shaved to the max (CLOSE CUT); 34D: Env. directive (ATTN.); 35D: Celebrate in a big way (WHOOP IT UP); 36D: Listen (LEND AN EAR); 38D: Alphabetical orders? (BLT'S); 39D: Jeeves's boss __ Wooster, in Wodehouse novels (BERTIE); 40D: Communion cups (CHALICES); 41D: Confed. monogram (REL); 42D: Bodybuilder's target (FLAB); 44D: Village (BOURG); 45D: Tele- ending (THON); 46D: "Song of Myself" poet (WHITMAN); 51D: Like the Elks (FRATERNAL); 52D: Agate relative (TIGER'S EYE); 55D: See 16-Down (SKELTER); 57D: Mouse order (RODENTIA); 59D: T-shirt orders (XL'S); 62D: McCain's st. (ARIZ.); 64D: Empty, as a desk (CLEAR OUT); 68D: Charge card charge (FEE); 70D: Like italics (ASLANT); 75D: Tense time? (PAST); 78D: Taken-back auto (REPO); 79D: Curlew or plover (SHORE BIRD); 81D: Ballpark figure (STAT); 86D: Violin add-on (-IST); 88D: Brit's school exam (A LEVEL); 91D: Peer that sounds like a Gardner (EARL); 92D: Italian cornmeal dish (POLENTA); 93D: Apple product (IPOD); 94D: Citrus drinks (FRESCAS); 95D: Smokey Bear, e.g. (MASCOT); 96D: Beach book genre (ESCAPE); 97D: Polo designer (LAUREN); 102D: Key of four Beethoven piano sonatas (E FLAT); 103D: Lovers' liaison (TRYST); 105D: It's disposable online (E-CASH); 107D: Shout after a hook, maybe (FORE); 110D: Nuptial pronoun (OURS); 111D: Twice-monthly tide (NEAP); 112D: Ballpark figure follower (OR SO); 113D: Fräulein's upper (OBER); 114D: Sibilant signal (PSST); 117D: Corp. alias (DBA).
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