[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at cruciverb.com.]

Theme answers:
- 23A: Military overstock seller (ARMY SURPLUS STORE).
- 33A: 21-Across are taken on it (WITNESS STAND).
- 38A: Nickname at the Derby (BLUEGRASS STATE).
- 65A: "No verdict yet" ("THE JURY IS STILL OUT").
- 92A: Applying to all (ACROSS THE BOARD).
- 101A: Exerts influence (PULLS STRINGS).
- 116A: 1952 Jane Russell film (THE LAS VEGAS STORY).
- 118D: Earlier flight hidden in the seven longest puzzle answers (SST).
Everything Else — 1A: Ed of "Lou Grant" (ASNER); 6A: Lou Grant's ex (EDIE); 10A: Cuts the crop (REAPS); 15A: Even start? (EQUI-); 19A: Dutch big wheel? (GOUDA); 20A: Falana of "Golden Boy" (LOLA); 21A: Formal promises (OATHS); 22A: Arrivals at home, perhaps (RUNS); 26A: "Sorry, can't" ("NOPE"); 27A: Stonewall Jackson et al. (REBS); 28A: Sales chart metaphors (PIES); 29A: R&B singer __ Marie (TEENA); 30A: Sean of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy (ASTIN); 31A: Jun. grads (SRS.); 32A: Corp. moneymen (CFO'S); 35A: Yoo-__: beverage (HOO); 36A: 50-Across wrong? (AIN'T); 37A: Deli array (MEAT); 44A: Often critical innings (NINTHS); 49A: Turner on the screen (LANA); 50A: 36-Across right? (ISN'T); 51A: Pro foe (ANTI); 54A: All worked up (IN A LATHER); 56A: List of rounds (BAR TAB); 58A: Stock holder? (BARN); 59A: Skins (PELTS); 60A: Chair designer Charles (EAMES); 62A: Reason for a court replay (LET); 64A: Born (NÉE); 71A: "Ginger __": 1952 Newbery Medal-winning book (PYE); 73A: Big rig compartment (CAB); 74A: Pitch-related (TONAL); 75A: "A Paper Life" autobiographer (O'NEAL); 78A: Spanish bread (EURO); 80A: Places under siege (BESETS); 83A: San Bernardino suburb (LOMA LINDA); 86A: Draft choices (ALES); 87A: A TV Maverick (BRET); 88A: Notice (ESPY); 89A: Go off the deep end (SNAP); 90A: Play the siren (SEDUCE); 97A: Ray Stevens's "Ahab the __" (ARAB); 99A: Skin soother (ALOE); 100A: River to the Rhone (AIN); 106A: Bribes, with "off" (PAYS); 108A: Pepper, e.g.: Abbr. (SGT.); 111A: Novelist Nin (ANAÏS); 112A: Engineer Nikola (TESLA); 113A: Ball role (MAME); 114A: Restaurateur Toots (SHOR); 115A: Devils' playground? (RINK); 119A: Old Venetian elder (DOGE); 120A: Brings down the house? (RAZES); 121A: Start of an Andy Capp toast ('ERE'S); 122A: Backs up (SAVES); 123A: Tens neighbor (ONES); 124A: Controversial explosion (A-TEST); 125A: Unschooled signers (X'ERS); 126A: Lott of Mississippi (TRENT); 2D: More put out (SORER); 3D: Uses an icepack on (NUMBS); 4D: Slow Churned ice cream brand (EDY'S); 5D: Dorm bosses, briefly (RA'S); 6D: Ventura County town who name means "the river" (EL RIO); 7D: Chowderheads (DOPES); 8D: Afflictions (ILLS); 9D: Mer filler (EAU); 10D: Nile home of an historic stone (ROSETTA); 11D: Moth tail? (EATEN); 12D: Satisfaction of a sort (ATONEMENT); 13D: It's elegant when turned (PHRASE); 14D: Opposite of NNW (SSE); 16D: Limit of a kind (QUOTA); 17D: Let down, as hair (UNPIN); 18D: "Children, Go Where __ Thee": spiritual (I SEND); 24D: Raring to go (UP FOR IT); 25D: Hitch (STINT); 30D: Italian wine city (ASTI); 32D: ___ railway (COG); 33D: Badger's st. (WIS.); 34D: Florida resort island (SANIBEL); 35D: A "4-H" H (HEALTH); 36D: Bad way to be led (ASTRAY); 38D: Radar signal (BLIP); 39D: Spot for a strike (LANE); 40D: The same as always (UNALTERED); 41D: Reminder of an old flame? (ASH); 42D: Disdainful glance (SNEER); 43D: Road topper (TAR); 45D: Collar (NAB); 46D: Dish alternative (TV ANTENNA); 47D: Bring aboard (HIRE); 48D: Having no screws loose? (SANE); 52D: Like a hard-to-fill order (TALL); 55D: "Hang on __" (A SEC); 56D: Córdoba kisses (BESOS); 57D: AAA part: Abbr. (ASSN.); 61D: You might have a hand in it (MITT); 63D: Shop item (TOOL); 66D: Goes on and on (JABBERS); 67D: It's over for Hans (ÜBER); 68D: "Unto the Sons" novelist (TALESE); 69D: Postgame recap? (I LOST); 70D: A choir may sing in it (UNISON); 71D: Pod fillers (PEAS); 72D: Time for carols (YULE); 76D: Purim's month (ADAR); 77D: "Dragnet" gp. (LAPD); 79D: The Beavers of the Pac-10 (OSU); 81D: Boardwalk cooler (SEA BREEZE); 82D: More of the same, briefly (ETC.); 84D: NASCAR stat (MPH); 85D: Madagascan lemurs (AYEAYES); 91D: Mama of pop (CASS); 93D: Didn't outrace anyone (RAN LAST); 94D: Gymnast Korbut et al. (OLGAS); 95D: "Mamma Mia" number (SOS); 96D: Grafton's "__ for Burglar" (B IS); 98D: In addition (AT THAT); 101D: "SNL" announcer (PARDO); 102D: Group for people in labor? (UNION); 103D: "Tootsie" role winner (LANGE); 104D: eHarmony category (LIKES); 105D: Archipelago units (ISLES); 106D: Sales rep's gadget (PAGER); 107D: Get a load of (AMASS); 108D: Sail, with "off" (SHOVE); 109D: Bridge immortal (GOREN); 110D: Risky rendezvous (TRYST); 113D: It often precedes technicalities (MERE); 114D: Bronze __ (STAR); 116D: Part of a chorus line? (TRA); 117D: Bug (VEX).
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