Theme: "El Week" — F is changed to FL in familiar phrases.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 23A: Automatic whipper? (FLOG MACHINE).
- 29A: Early-week occasion for wearing sensible footwear? (FLAT TUESDAY).
- 43A: Country with the tastiest cuisine? (MOST FLAVORED NATION).
- 67A: Some food fighters? (CHICKEN FLINGERS).
- 95A: Line in an admiral's pep talk? (FLEET DON'T FAIL ME NOW).
- 111A: Where legendary firefighters are honored? (HALL OF FLAME).
- 119A: Quartet of couch potatoes? (THE FLAB FOUR).
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:- 25A: Gas brand in Canada (ESSO).
- 48A: Showy lily (SEGO).
- 90A: Polynesian paste (POI).
- 118A: Lena of Tinseltown (OLIN).
- 126A: "Only Time" singer (ENYA).
- 127A: Units of work (ERGS).
- 14D: Jesus of '60s-'70s baseball (ALOU).
- 70D: "It's dandy for your teeth" toothpaste (IPANA).
- 113D: Blues legend James (ETTA).
Everything Else — 1A: Kids' game for car trips (I SPY); 5A: River through British Columbia (FRASER); 11A: Michael of "Juno" (CERA); 15A: Hebrew prophet (AMOS); 19A: Big Apple neighborhood near Greenwich Village (NOHO); 20A: Gun, to a hood (ROSCOE); 21A: Truck (HAUL); 22A: Actress Gershon (GINA); 26A: Shangri-la (EDEN); 27A: Iconic WWII riveter (ROSIE); 28A: "Rock and Roll, Hoochie __": 1974 hit (KOO); 32A: Slithery Egyptian (ASP); 33A: Tack on (APPEND); 36A: Colorado natives (UTES); 37A: __ Cup: chocolate candy (MALLO); 38A: Language of India (HINDI); 40A: Yard neatener (EDGER); 42A: Sources of wisdom (SAGES); 47A: Where the source of the Amazon is (PERU); 49A: Words before a kiss (I DO); 50A: Opposite of bien (MAL); 51A: Level just below the majors (AAA); 54A: Political surprise (U-TURN); 56A: Subway barrier (STILE); 58A: It's a gas (NEON); 60A: Home bodies? (UMPS); 61A: Euro predecessor (PESETA); 63A: No-goodniks (CADS); 65A: Business mag (INC.); 66A: Go after (SEEK); 72A: Sixth Greek letter (ZETA); 75A: Louis XIV, par exemple (ROI); 76A: Golf clinic subject (GRIP); 77A: Shrubs with small, reddish fruit (SUMACS); 81A: Dietary need (IRON); 82A: A8 automaker (AUDI); 84A: Amherst sch. (U. MASS.); 87A: Tiny South Pacific nation (NAURU); 88A: Jenna's "The Office" role (PAM); 89A: TiVo precursor (VCR); 92A: Final Four letters (NCAA); 94A: News squib (ITEM); 100A: Increases sharply (SOARS); 101A: Viz. relative (ID EST); 102A: NFL Network sportscaster Rich (EISEN); 103A: Fowl quarters (COOPS); 104A: Grandmotherly nickname (NANA); 105A: Room for brooms (CLOSET); 108A: Photo __ (OPS); 114A: 1040EZ issuer (IRS); 115A: Set one's sights on (AIM AT); 117A: Maker of Karlstad living room furniture (IKEA); 122A: Motocross surface (DIRT); 123A: City with many pits (RENO); 124A: Set the dial to (TUNE IN); 125A: Toni Morrison novel (SULA); 128A: __ Fables (AESOP'S); 129A: Anthem opener (O SAY); 1D: Red leader? (INFRA-); 2D: Individual efforts (SOLOS); 3D: Matchmaker's supply (PHOSPHORUS); 4D: Teammate of Mickey and Whitey (YOGI); 5D: Monastic title (FRA); 6D: Heaps at a quarry (ROCK PILES); 7D: "... who lived in __" (A SHOE); 8D: Descendant (SCION); 9D: Long, long time (EON); 10D: Yachting hazard (REEF); 11D: Was unfaithful to (CHEATED ON); 12D: Ohio's time zone (EASTERN); 13D: Autumn colors (RUSTS); 15D: In olden days (AGES AGO); 16D: Hussein in the White House? (MIDDLE NAME); 17D: "Paper Moon" co-stars (O'NEALS); 18D: 2009 Panasonic acquisition (SANYO); 24D: Had in mind (MEANT); 30D: Competed on a sled (LUGED); 31D: Send with a click (EMAIL); 34D: Some 31-Down attachments (PDF'S); 35D: __ volente: God willing (DEO); 39D: Confident words (I SURE CAN); 41D: Trail mix tidbits (DRIED FRUITS); 42D: Golf clinic subjects (STANCES); 43D: Apportion (METE); 44D: Maxwell Smart's occ. (AGT.); 45D: Mel Blanc's meal ticket (VOICE); 46D: Together with (AMONG); 47D: Small seal (PUP); 52D: Goon (APE); 53D: Say "What?" (ASK); 55D: Ultimate (NTH); 57D: "Metropolis" director Fritz (LANG); 59D: Augsburg article (EIN); 60D: 1898 sinker (U.S.S. MAINE); 62D: Stars in the sky? (AIR ACES); 64D: Like some chances (SLIM); 68D: Squash venue (COURT); 69D: Poke fun at (KID); 71D: Be on the ticket (RUN); 72D: USPS acronym (ZIP); 73D: Time in history (ERA); 74D: Shenanigans (TOMFOOLERY); 78D: Self-directed (AUTONOMOUS); 79D: Rowers (CREW); 80D: Adder's target (SUM); 83D: Portable music players (IPOD NANOS); 85D: Course with a fair: Abbr. (SCI.); 86D: Register printout (SALES SLIP); 89D: Left-hand page (VERSO); 91D: Graveyard shift hr. (ONE A.M.); 93D: Lille lady friend (AMIE); 96D: Capital of Buenos Aires Province (LA PLATA); 97D: Ringing up, old-style (DIALING); 98D: Consumer protection agcy. (FTC); 99D: Pub sign abbr. (ESTAB.); 100D: Absorb deeply (SOAK IN); 103D: Wag a finger at (CHIDE); 104D: Panther, Jaguar, or Lion, briefly (NFL'ER); 106D: Debt securities (LIENS); 107D: Monteverdi title character (ORFEO); 109D: Longtime "Idol" name (PAULA); 110D: Dogcatcher's pickup (STRAY); 112D: Duck call? (FORE); 116D: In that case (IF SO); 120D: Coloration (HUE); 121D: Ques. response (ANS.).
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