Theme: "Location, Location, Location" — Theme answers are familiar phrases with the initials U.R.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 21A: Alternative media magazine since 1984 (UTNE READER).
- 26A: City improvement program (URBAN RENEWAL).
- 43A: Moving option (UHAUL RENTAL).
- 50A: "Song of the South" storyteller (UNCLE REMUS).
- 63A: Den controller (UNIVERSAL REMOTE).
- 77A: Consumer Reports feature (USER REVIEW).
- 85A: Score after a 22-Down, usually (UNEARNED RUN).
- 109A: Mall map phrase, and a homophonic hint to this puzzle's theme (YOU ARE HERE).
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:- 31A: Napa prefix (OENO-).
- 53A: Food scrap (ORT).
- 73A: Indian dignitary (RANEE).
- 108A: Like a stadium full of cheering fans (AROAR).
- 55D: Gelling agents (AGARS).
- 72D: British guns (STENS).
- 100D: __ Minor (URSA).
Everything Else — 1A: Game with triples and doubles (DARTS); 6A: Strike out (OMIT); 10A: Rogen of "Knocked Up" (SETH); 14A: Singer's syllable (TRA); 17A: On the ball (ALERT); 18A: Composer of the "Brandenburg" concertos (BACH); 19A: Virile (MACHO); 20A: Scold, with "out" (CHEW); 23A: Woolf's "__ of One's Own" (A ROOM); 24A: Overhaul (REDO); 25A: Consequence of selfish acts, some say (BAD KARMA); 29A: Pulitzer category (DRAMA); 32A: Old commercial prefix with mat (FOTO-); 33A: Tabasco, por ejemplo (ESTADO); 37A: Sully (SOIL); 39A: Gazed amazedly (MARVELED); 46A: Place (SITE); 47A: One way to swing (FRO); 48A: Driving __ (RANGE); 49A: Swimming cap brand (VOIT); 54A: Secure in a harbor (MOOR); 55A: Monopoly buys: Abbr. (AVES.); 56A: Go with the flow (ADAPT); 57A: They're often not on the menu (SPECIALS); 60A: Fluish feeling (AGUE); 61A: Terse negation (IT ISN'T); 66A: Coke collectible (BOTTLE); 68A: Cajun vegetable (OKRA); 69A: Desert menaces (RATTLERS); 74A: Calendar col. (TUES.); 75A: Short smokes? (CIGS); 76A: Droid (BOT); 80A: School in Durham (DUKE); 81A: Feudal lord (LIEGE); 83A: Rose-rose-rose-rose connector (IS A); 84A: Distillery vessels (VATS); 87A: "No prob!" ("NOT AT ALL!"); 90A: Herr's partner (FRAU); 91A: Patterned marbles (AGATES); 92A: __ League (ARAB); 93A: Bibliographic abbr. (ET AL.); 95A: It eats shoots and leaves (PANDA); 102A: Recites effortlessly (REELS OFF); 107A: Quarter, e.g. (COIN); 111A: Capital NNW of Santiago (LIMA); 112A: Illegal lending tactic (USURY); 113A: Chapter 11 issue (DEBT); 114A: Allied (with) (SIDED); 115A: Black and tan half (ALE); 116A: D.C. team (NATS); 117A: Memorable periods (ERAS); 118A: League divisions (EASTS); 1D: Smear (DAUB); 2D: Resort near Snowbird (ALTA); 3D: Tear to pieces (REND); 4D: Tough journey (TREK); 5D: Equivocate (STRADDLE); 6D: He bested Clinton in 2008 (OBAMA); 7D: Speaker's title, perhaps (MADAM); 8D: Curling surface (ICE); 9D: Unlike a dead end, briefly (THRU); 10D: Kitchen wrap (SARAN); 11D: Field involving scarcity and elasticity (ECONOMICS); 12D: Superhero based on a god (THOR); 13D: "Smooth sailing from here!" ("HOME FREE!"); 14D: Chaney title role (THE WOLFMAN); 15D: Unwanted letter of fiction (RED A); 16D: MP's quarry (AWOL); 19D: Silents actress Normand (MABEL); 20D: Minotaur's island (CRETE); 22D: Diamond flaw? (ERROR); 27D: Agitate (ROIL); 28D: Calendar pg. (NOV.); 30D: Moving about (ASTIR); 33D: Continental money (EUROS); 34D: Astute (SHARP); 35D: Oncle's spouse (TANTE); 36D: What "8" may represent: Abbr. (AUG.); 38D: Feedbag morsel (OAT); 40D: View from Nantucket: Abbr. (ATL.); 41D: Burst (ERUPT); 42D: "__ thou know who made thee?": Blake (DOST); 44D: Develop slowly (EVOLVE); 45D: Rope loop (NOOSE); 46D: Look of disdain (SNEER); 50D: Throat projection (UVULA); 51D: "Something to Talk About" Grammy winner (RAITT); 52D: Comet brand before it was reassigned to Mercury (EDSEL); 54D: "You've got __" (MAIL); 58D: More adorable (CUTER); 59D: Lay to rest (INTER); 60D: Cockeyed (ASKEW); 61D: Diagnostic machine (IMAGER); 62D: Rug rats (TOTS); 64D: Lecherous sorts (ROUES); 65D: Eleniak of "Baywatch" (ERIKA); 66D: Low man (BASSO); 67D: Revolving door recommendation (ONE AT A TIME); 70D: Film critic Roger (EBERT); 71D: Scoundrel (ROGUE); 73D: Bankrupt (RUIN); 74D: Boxer's dream (TITLE BOUT); 75D: Get ready to play, as a CD track (CUE UP); 78D: Noted WWII bride (EVA BRAUN); 79D: Kilmer of "The Saint" (VAL); 80D: Chromosome component (DNA); 81D: Language involving fine print? (LEGALESE); 82D: Wash. neighbor (IDA.); 85D: www addresses (URL'S); 86D: Four-time presidential candidate (NADER); 88D: Combat zone (ARENA); 89D: Sailor (TAR); 90D: Godmother, at times (FAIRY); 94D: Uphill pullers (T-BARS); 96D: Curaĉao neighbor (ARUBA); 97D: __-foot oil (NEATS); 98D: Winner of seven straight NCAA hoops championships (UCLA); 99D: Labor (TOIL); 101D: Fictional alter ego (HYDE); 103D: Sunni relative (SHIA); 104D: Weighty refs. (OED'S); 105D: Stew (FRET); 106D: Some raiders (FEDS); 110D: Anthem preposition (O'ER).
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