Theme answers:
- 17A: *Powerful punch (RIGHT CROSS).
- 26A: *Where the tight end is positioned, in football lingo (STRONG SIDE).
- 50A: *Shot pioneered by Wilt Chamberlain (FINGER ROLL).
- 11D: *2010 St. Andrews competition (BRITISH OPEN).
- 25D: *Wimbledon event (MEN'S SINGLES).
- 58A: Places where you can watch (and whose end can follow the ends of) the answers to starred clues (SPORTS BARS).

- 1A: Piano pro (TUNER). This one made me chuckle. First because I was thinking exclusively of someone playing the piano, so when I got the answer I felt pretty dumb. And second because my piano really needs to be tuned.
- 23A: Depict artistically (LIMN). Whoa. That there's a fancy word!
- 38A: "Spartacus" Oscar winner (USTINOV). Man I hate it when the answer seems So Much like something I should know.
- 44A: Shades that fade in fall (TANS). Tricky clue! This refers to the tans people have on their bodies and how they fade when summer's over.
- 45A: Bond trader's phrase (AT PAR). Tried NO PAR first.
- 57A: Kerouac's Paradise et al. (SALS). Sal Paradise is the protagonist of Jack Kerouac's On the Road, a book I … couldn't get through.
- 6D: Wedge-shaped mark (CARET). Karat, carat, caret. Here's the thing. [Edited to actually get it right! I totally didn't get it wrong the first time on purpose! ARGH!] "Carat" is a unit of weight for precious stones; "karat" is a unit of fineness for gold; and "caret" is a wedge-shaped mark like so: ^. I can never keep the spelling straight on these words.
- 18D: Where some signs change (CUSP). Ooh, zodiac reference. How 70s!
- 24D: Sympathetic words (I CARE). I have always hated this answer. I just can't envision the situation in which someone, with sincere sympathy, would say "I care."
- 33D: Fab Four member (STARR). I already had the S in place here so I didn't have the first-name/last-name debate with myself.
- 60D: Rider of Dinny the dinosaur (OOP). I always knew there was a comic strip called Alley Oop, but I don't recall ever actually seeing it or knowing what it was about. Alley Oop is a caveman and Dinny is his pet dinosaur. And that's pretty much all I will ever remember about this particular topic.

- 19A: "Still Life With Old Shoe" artist (MIRÓ).
- 53A: Knife of yore (SNEE).
- 55A: Beer-making aid (OAST).
- 64A: "Don't change it" (STET).
- 1D: Rocky hill (TOR).
- 2D: Weapon designer __ Gal (UZI).
- 28D: Actor Ken and others (OLINS).
Everything Else — 6A: Fizzy drink (COLA); 10A: Kellogg School deg. (MBA); 13A: UV ray absorber (OZONE); 14A: x and y, perhaps (AXES); 15A: Blackberry lily, e.g. (IRIS); 20A: Together, in music (A DUE); 21A: Ham (EMOTER); 29A: Polar buildup (ICECAP); 31A: Extremists (ULTRAS); 32A: West pointers, sometimes? (VANES); 33A: Sulky state (SNIT); 34A: See 59-Down (SHOP); 37A: It prints many scheds. (IRS); 41A: Mined matter (ORE); 47A: Not completely (IN PART); 49A: Admirals' concerns (FLEETS); 54A: Like "ASAP" memos (URGENT); 65A: Liver nutrient (IRON); 66A: Bother persistently (NAG AT); 67A: Curly shape (ESS); 68A: "Forget about it" ("NOPE"); 69A: Like an evening in a Frost title (SNOWY); 3D: Nutmeg-topped drink (NOG); 4D: Add pizazz to (ENHANCE); 5D: Like many a volunteer: Abbr. (RETD.); 7D: Kitchen gadgets brand (OXO); 8D: Haitian seaport __ Cayes (LES); 9D: Be convinced about (ASSENT TO); 10D: Cocktails similar to a Buck's Fizz (MIMOSAS); 12D: Made public (AIRED); 16D: Peeved (SORE); 22D: Retail VIP (MGR.); 23D: Really, really 16-Down (LIVID); 27D: Meet unexpectedly (RUN INTO); 30D: Barry Bonds's alma mater, briefly (ASU); 35D: Wax eloquent (ORATE); 36D: As such (PER SE); 39D: Gets going (STARTS IN); 40D: Batman before George (VAL); 43D: Consumes (INGESTS); 46D: Treaty subject (TEST BAN); 48D: Reliever's spot, for short (PEN); 49D: Needing a 1-Across (FLAT); 50D: Hoo-ha (FUSS); 51D: Really 16-Down (IRATE); 52D: Ben player on "Bonanza" (LORNE); 56D: Payroll figs. (SSN'S); 59D: With 34-Across, country club feature (PRO); 61D: In days past (AGO); 62D: Untrained (RAW); 63D: Place to serve slop (STY).
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