Theme answers:
- 18A: Historic cache for future millennia (TIME CAPSULE).
- 25A: Investing largely in money markets, say (STAYING LIQUID).
- 42A: Item for doodling or note-taking (WRITING TABLET).
- 55A: Dispensers of the ends of 18-, 25- and 42-Across (PHARMACISTS).
Other than that, I like the colloquial "NAME IT" (15A: "Anything you want") and NOT ON A BET (52A: "No way, José"). I recall that 40D: Hitchcock's "DIAL M for Murder" is a great movie and is probably worth another viewing one of these days. Seems like we've been seeing a lot of tricky EAR clues lately, like today's 39A: Canal site. If the clue says something about "canal" or "hammer" and it doesn't seem to make any sense, try EAR! Overall, nothing to get UPSET ABOUT here (29D: Distraught over).
Crosswordese 101: When we covered YGOR-with-a-Y previously in CW101, I mentioned that Frankenstein's assistant is spelled with a Y in "Son of Frankenstein," but with an I in "Young Frankenstein." So if the clue is "Frankenstein aide," "Fictional lab assistant," or "Humpbacked helper" you have to wait for the cross. IGOR-with-an-I, however, also has a couple other clues worth knowing. Namely, the Borodin opera "Prince IGOR" and today's 30D: Composer Stravinsky, famous for both "The Rite of Spring" and "The Firebird." Late in the week you might see IGORs you've absolutely never heard of, but these three will serve you well most of the time.
Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
- 16A: Petri dish gel (AGAR).
- 57A: Lennon's widow (ONO).
- 58A: Emerald Isle (EIRE).
- 13D: Greek god of war (ARES).
- 21D: Fragrant compound (ESTER).
- 38D: Prince Valiant's wife (ALETA).
- 48D: Preppy collars (ETONS).
Everything Else — 1A: Hydroelectric project (DAM); 4A: Makes improvements to (EMENDS); 10A: California wine valley (NAPA); 14A: Ipanema's city (RIO); 17A: Geological span (EON); 20A: Take turns (ALTERNATE); 22A: Name of two presidents (ADAMS); 23A: Fuel for big rigs (DIESEL); 24A: Geological span (ERA); 32A: Money market fund, e.g. (ASSET); 34A: Follows a recipe (COOKS); 35A: ___ Championship: August golf tournament (PGA); 36A: Jordanian queen dowager (NOOR); 37A: Negative quality (MINUS); 38A: Beginning on (AS OF); 40A: Ate sumptuously (DINED); 41A: Heads-up (ALERT); 45A: "Mighty" tree (OAK); 46A: Power failure (OUTAGE); 49A: Really bad (AWFUL); 60A: Coffee holder (URN); 61A: Attracted a trooper, maybe (SPED); 63A: Your, in Tours (TES); 1D: Live in fear of (DREAD); 2D: Garlicky sauce (AIOLI); 3D: Education pioneer Maria (MONTESSORI); 4D: Ask on bended knee (ENTREAT); 5D: For the most part (MAINLY); 6D: John's partner in "The Avengers" (EMMA); 7D: Nair competitor (NEET); 8D: Cubes that are rolled (DICE); 9D: Where many commuters wait: Abbr. (STA.); 10D: Tech-heavy stock exchange (NASDAQ); 11D: Contents of un lago (AGUA); 12D: Arboreal Miami sight (PALM); 19D: Louvre location (PARIS); 24D: BPO __ (ELKS); 26D: Cupcake topper (ICING); 27D: Nine-piece combo (NONET); 28D: Mild Dutch cheese (GOUDA); 31D: Off one's rocker (DAFT); 32D: All over again (ANEW); 33D: Attract upward-looking onlookers (SOAR); 37D: Stole fur (MINK); 43D: Went on the road (TOURED); 44D: Baby's footwear (BOOTIE); 47D: Country or folk (GENRE); 49D: Mimics (APES); 50D: Lion tamer's handful (WHIP); 51D: Taxi rider or payment (FARE); 52D: March Madness org. (NCAA); 53D: Makes less squeaky, perhaps (OILS); 54D: Sounds of disapproval (TSKS); 56D: Part of NATO: Abbr. (ATL.).
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