Kamis, 23 September 2010

T H U R S D A Y   September 23, 2010 John Pounders

Theme: Yeah, yeah, yeah — Theme answers are clued using the same phrase with different meanings.

Theme answers:
  • 20A: "Oh, yeah?" ("SURE ABOUT THAT?").
  • 36A: "Oh, yeah!" ("I LIKE IT LIKE THAT!").
  • 53A: "Oh, yeah ..." ("I REMEMBER THAT …").

I'm a fan of this type of theme, where the clues for theme answers are the same. Typically, the clue will simply be one word, but in this case, it's actually a phrase with the added twist of punctuation and inflection, which I think makes this theme great. Two thumbs up!

There were a couple sticky places in this grid, the first of which was, appropriately, 16A: Sticky resin used in paint (ALKYD). I just have trouble with the science-y stuff. I assume that I'll pick it up eventually if I solve enough puzzles. The clue for SEINE — 34A: Angler's accessory — definitely indicates we're in a late-week puzzle. I always forget that SEINE doesn't always refer to the French river, but sometimes to a, um, fishing … accessory. As I wrote that sentence it occurred to me that I don't actually know what a SEINE is! A teeny tiny voice in the back of my brain is saying "net" so I'm gonna go with that. A SEINE is a fisher's net. (I'm sure you'll let me know if I'm wrong about that!)

Then there's BELAY, which I have only heard in relation to climbing and didn't realize was used in the nautical world as well (32D: Secure, as a ship's line). BIHARI, on the other hand, is a word I don't ever remember hearing. The clue — 46D: Native of NE India — reminded me of when I had lunch with Vega a couple weeks ago. She asked if I liked South Indian food. And she asked it like I knew the difference between South Indian and North Indian food. (I'm all: "Sure!")

  • 5A: It may involve splashing (BATH). For some reason this clue made me laugh.
  • 18A: Love god (EROS). I always have to think for a minute to remember which god is EROS and which one is ARES. EROS = EROtic = love. That's how I remember it.
  • 19A: "Thelma and Louise" car (T-BIRD). Lots of "Thelma and Louise" this week.
  • 44A: Journey (VOYAGE).

  • 46A: Merit badge org. (BSA). I actually spent some time sewing badges on a Girl Scout sash last night.
  • 67A: Word with cheap or bike (DIRT). I am really really bad at figuring out this type of clue. I guess my brain just doesn't work that way. Once I get it (through crosses) I always think "Oh! That's clever!" but there's no way I could come up with it on my own.
  • 6D: Polis leader? (ACRO-). Wanted METRO-, which obviously didn't fit.
  • 11D: People-wary, as a horse (SKITTISH). Great word.
  • 59D: Source of lean meat (EMU). Have any of you tried it? I'm guessing it tastes like chicken.
Crosswordese 101: Here are the words that'll let you know the answer you want is OSIER: willow, twig, basketry, and wickerwork. (Note today's 51A: Willow tree twig. See?) It also might be helpful to remember that OSIER is a variety of dogwood.

Other crosswordese in the puzzle that we've already covered:
  • 33A: "Carnival of Harlequin" surrealist (MIRÓ).
  • 42A: Sharp ridge (ARETE).
  • 64A: Mars counterpart (ARES).
  • 13D: Byrnes of "77 Sunset Strip" (EDD).
  • 57D: Barely manages, with "out" (EKES).
  • 58D: Muslim's duty (HAJ).
[P.S. This blog has 199 followers! Will we get to 200 today? The suspense is killing me!]

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Everything Else — 1A: A teaspoon, maybe (DOSE); 9A: Old hat (PASSE); 14A: Quechua speaker (INCA); 15A: Return from the Alps? (ECHO); 17A: Hot quaff (GROG); 23A: __ manual (USER'S); 24A: Canadian sentence enders? (EHS); 25A: Start using (TAP); 28A: High degree (PHD); 29A: Prone (LIABLE); 35A: Silas Marner, e.g. (MISER); 41A: Garden bulb (TULIP); 43A: Repose (CALM); 49A: Quarterback's cry (HUT); 50A: Time in a pool (DIP); 58A: Virile one (HE-MAN); 60A: Cranny's partner (NOOK); 61A: First name in Indian music (RAVI); 62A: Church chorus (AMENS); 63A: Tackle box item (LURE); 65A: Opinion giver (JUDGE); 66A: Cravings (YENS); 1D: Unearths (DIGS UP); 2D: Assault (ONRUSH); 3D: Homered, say (SCORED); 4D: Thirsty (EAGER); 5D: Overseas network, with "the" (BEEB); 7D: Commandment pronoun (THOU); 8D: Hiker's stopover (HOSTEL); 9D: Rustic ways (PATHS); 10D: Jessica of "Sin City" (ALBA); 12D: Turk. neighbor (SYR.); 21D: Dreaming, perhaps (ASLEEP); 22D: Not just a (THE); 26D: Space (AREA); 27D: Sea side (PORT); 30D: 1969 Super Bowl (III); 31D: Colony dweller (ANT); 33D: Tick cousin (MITE); 34D: Whole alternative (SKIM); 35D: Falling star (METEOR); 36D: Allergic reaction (ITCH); 37D: Place to see grass skirts (LUAU); 38D: Poorly planned (ILL-TIMED); 39D: Bank offering, for short (IRA); 40D: Powder container (KEG); 44D: Animation (VIM); 45D: For all to see (OPENLY); 47D: Pitcher known as "Tom Terrific" (SEAVER); 48D: Escape __ (ARTIST); 50D: Crowded (DENSE); 52D: Valuable violin (STRAD); 54D: "You __?" (RANG); 55D: Pout (MOUE); 56D: Conceived, as an idea (BORN).

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