Theme answers:
- 17A: Wealthy relative (RICH UNCLE).
- 24A: Emulate Muhammad Ali (BOB AND WEAVE).
- 39A: Father-son talk, e.g. (FRANK DISCUSSION).
- 50A: Assembled in a makeshift manner (JERRY RIGGED).
- 64A: Get-together for the starts of 17-, 24-, 39- and 50-Across? (STAG PARTY).


- 1A: Eve's youngest (SETH). I first tried ABEL. Why I thought Adam and Eve would somehow be able to populate the world by having only two children is beyond me.
- 15A: "The __": placekicker Lou Groza's nickname (TOE). That's an awesome nickname.
- 33A: Older but __ (WISER). I've always thought of it as older and WISER.
- 44A: Annually (A YEAR). Never been a fan of "a" being used in place of "per." Just one of my pet peeves. We all have 'em, right?
- 66A: Used a prie dieu (KNELT). A prie dieu is that little bench thing that comes down at the bottom of a pew so you can kneel down. I learned that in a puzzle once.
- 71A: Rockwell or Gothic (TYPE). Okay, I went and found this really bad blast from the past for you, but I was watching it I realized that I totally forgot that Michael Jackson sings back-up in this song! How in the world did the King of Pop get himself mixed up in this lame song?
- 25D: Alamo hero (BOWIE). Never sure how to pronounce James Bowie's name. Is it like David Bowie (boe-ee)? Or like Bowie, Maryland (boo-ee)?
- 35D: Scrawny one (SCRAG). Whoa. Is this a word? I've heard of scraggly but I don't think I've heard of SCRAG.
- 37D: Walt Kelly's possum (POGO). Me: "Who the hell is Walt Kelly and why the hell does he have a possum?"

- 21A: Rio automaker (KIA).
- 45A: Jason's vessel (ARGO).
- 55A: North Carolina university (ELON).
- 2D: Nobelist Wiesel (ELIE).
- 29D: Arabian sultanate (OMAN).
- 38D: Soon, poetically (ANON).
- 51D: Kagan who replaced Stevens on the Supreme Court (ELENA).
- 63D: RR depot (STA.).
- 65D: Literary collection (ANA).
Everything Else — 5A: Special __: military force (OPS); 8A: Priest's place (ALTAR); 13A: Trojan War epic (ILIAD); 16A: Dog (POOCH); 19A: Sidekick who rode Scout (TONTO); 20A: Bagel flavoring (SESAME); 23A: Bones partner (SKIN); 27A: Free, as legal work (PRO BONO); 31A: Author Fleming (IAN); 32A: Titled woman (DAME); 36A: Dean's list factor: Abbr. (GPA); 43A: D.C. bigwig (SEN.).
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