Theme: "Argot" — An R is added to the beginning of a word creating a new wacky word clued "?"-style.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 23A: Width of a freeway exit? (RAMPLITUDE).
- 25A: Collection of complaints? (RANTHOLOGY).
- 39A: Apartment party? (RENTERTAINMENT).
- 50A: "I slept about eight hours"? (RESTIMATE).
- 53A: Indifference to Dr. Dre? (RAPATHY).
- 69A: Mai tai decoration? (RUMBRELLA).
- 89A: Slam dunk component? (RIMPACT).
- 92A: CBer's handle? (RIDENTITY).
- 99A: Like permissive dog owners? (ROVER INDULGENT).
- 121A: Lazy time for Huck Finn? (RAFTERNOON).
- 123A: Idiot driving a semi? (RIGNORAMUS).
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:- 49A: Bradley in uniform (OMAR).
- 94A: Qatar bigwig (EMIR).
- 96A: Wine opener? (OENO-).
- 129A: Remnants (ORTS).
- 11D: Disappearing sea (ARAL).
- 52D: Party cheese (EDAM).
- 71D: 1939 Garland co-star (LAHR).
- 110D: Alice's chronicler (ARLO).
- 116D: Architectural S-curve (OGEE).
- 122D: Long on screen (NIA).
Everything Else — 1A: Tot's call (MOMMY); 6A: LAX listings (ARRS.); 10A: Cabbage with crinkly, curled leaves (SAVOY); 15A: Knopf, e.g.: Abbr. (PUBL.); 19A: Domingo solos (ARIAS); 20A: No, to Nureyev (NYET); 21A: Adler who outwitted Sherlock Holmes (IRENE); 22A: Capital on Upolu island (APIA); 27A: Ad writer's award (CLIO); 28A: Treacherous place (MINEFIELD); 30A: Flips (UPENDS); 31A: Potentially offensive, in a way (UN-PC); 33A: TV chef Martin (YAN); 34A: Venerable one (ELDER); 36A: Movie buff's collectible (POSTER); 45A: Covert maritime org. (ONI); 46A: Use a towel on (WIPE); 48A: Old pros (VETS); 56A: "O patria __": "Aida" aria (MIA); 57A: Bamboozled (TAKEN IN); 58A: Deck out (DRESS); 60A: No more than (MERELY); 62A: Seine views (ILES); 63A: Navigable connection (STRAIT); 65A: In concert (AS ONE); 67A: Measure out (ALLOT); 72A: Scroogean look (SCOWL); 76A: Former jockey Smith who was married to Fred Astaire in the '80s (ROBYN); 78A: Online exchange (EMAILS); 80A: Surveyor's measure (AREA); 81A: Writer Leonard (ELMORE); 84A: Below, in verse (NEATH); 86A: Finished (AT AN END); 88A: Damone of song (VIC); 97A: Listening to every word (RAPT); 98A: Completed (DID); 105A: Historic Honolulu palace (IOLANI); 107A: Sri __ (LANKA); 108A: Latin word of affection (AMO); 109A: Author __ Morrow Lindbergh (ANNE); 110A: Andean beast (ALPACA); 113A: Removed with a chisel (GOUGED OUT); 117A: Generational disconnects (GAPS); 125A: Long sentence (LIFE); 126A: Force (MIGHT); 127A: "Law & Order: SVU" actor (ICE-T); 128A: Oak-to-be (ACORN); 130A: Final word (SAY SO); 131A: Vat sediment (LEES); 132A: Kids (TYKES); 1D: French grape-skin brandy (MARC); 2D: Hard exam (ORAL); 3D: "La Bohème" heroine (MIMI); 4D: Plan (MAP OUT); 5D: Maker of the fragrance Opium (YSL); 6D: Silly bit (ANTIC); 7D: Record-setting miler Jim (RYUN); 8D: Aptly named flight (REDEYE); 9D: Edberg of tennis (STEFAN); 10D: Paddock parent (SIRE); 12D: Family feud (VENDETTA); 13D: N.Y. neighbor (ONT.); 14D: Violinist Menuhin (YEHUDI); 15D: Sicilian seaport (PALERMO); 16D: Soon after (UPON); 17D: Cowboys' city, familiarly (BIG D); 18D: Attacks, with "into" (LAYS); 24D: In the first place (IMPRIMIS); 26D: In full bloom (OPEN); 29D: Mtge. payment part (INT.); 32D: __ town: recently arrived (NEW IN); 35D: Make it (LAST); 36D: "The quality of mercy is not strained" speaker (PORTIA); 37D: Common soccer score (ONE-ALL); 38D: Ebert's longtime co-host (SISKEL); 39D: On a pension: Abbr. (RET.); 40D: Gabor and others (EVAS); 41D: Exercise units (REPS); 42D: Single-named supermodel (EMME); 43D: Get the goods on (NAIL); 44D: Cafeteria staple (TRAY); 47D: Storage site (PANTRY); 51D: Pizarro's treasure (TESORO); 53D: Back off (RETREAT); 54D: Med. care provider (HMO); 55D: Hungers (YENS); 59D: Pick on (RIB); 61D: Eat one's words (RECANT); 64D: Clear out (RUN); 65D: Boxing biopic (ALI); 66D: Lipton alternative (SALADA); 68D: Unit of pressure (TORR); 70D: Hwy. mishap respondent (EMT); 73D: Steam n' Mash maker (ORE-IDA); 74D: Entered (WENT IN); 75D: Bride of July '81 (LADY DI); 77D: "__ Mir Bist Du Schoen": 1937 hit (BEI); 79D: Fill, as another's shoes (STEP INTO); 81D: Sometime (EVER); 82D: Oscar night rental (LIMO); 83D: Twice DLII (MCIV); 84D: TV alien's word (NANU); 85D: Green's sci. (ECOL.); 87D: Composer Bruckner (ANTON); 90D: Abbey resident (MONK); 91D: Teaching (PEDAGOGY); 93D: First NYC subway (IRT); 95D: Tells (RELATES); 100D: Streak (RACE); 101D: Up __: indignant (IN ARMS); 102D: Skit part (GAG); 103D: "Farm to Fork" author (EMERIL); 104D: Curt refusal (NO DICE); 106D: What you will (LEGACY); 109D: Pittypat and Polly (AUNTS); 111D: Cub's place (LAIR); 112D: Up-in-smoke sound (PFFT); 114D: Shows amazement (OOHS); 115D: "Do __ others ..." (UNTO); 118D: Crazily (AMOK); 119D: Unadulterated (PURE); 120D: Office IDs (SSN'S); 124D: Stinker (RAT).
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