Theme answers:
- 17A: Site for flashy couples dancing (SALSA CLUB).
- 28A: Annual college football game in Arizona (FIESTA BOWL).
- 38A: Spicy deep-fried stuffed appetizers (JALAPENO POPPERS).
- 45A: Nap period, in Latin America (SIESTA TIME).
- 62A: 2004 Adam Sandler movie, and a hint to the puzzle theme found in 17-, 28-, 38- and 45-Across (SPANGLISH).

The theme concept is nice, the execution mostly nice. The phrasing on the FIESTA BOWL clue is a little weird--this isn't what the game is called just in Arizona, this is actually the game's name. But that, SALSA CLUB, and JALAPENO POPPERS are all phrases that have entered the American vernacular. SIESTA TIME, on the other hand, is not a phrase I'm familiar with. Do they actually call it that in Latin America? If not, this is not actually Spanglish, it's just a made-up phrase that combines Spanish and English. Even if they do, this is the only theme clue that requires an "in Latin America" modifier. I was gonna say -1/10 from the East German judge, but there's no more East Germany and why would he be judging Spanglish, anyway?
I never saw the movie. I've heard it's mediocre. Was it?
- 1A: Houlihan portrayer in 5-Across (SWIT)/5A: Korean War sitcom (M*A*S*H). Blogger spell-checker doesn't like "portrayer". I got to 1A, couldn't think of anyone named Houlihan, moved on to 5A, said "oh", then went back to fill in Loretta SWIT first. Played by Sally Kellerman in the movie, by ink in the Richard Hooker novel. I didn't look any of that up. If PuzzleGirl were here, this would be a video fer sher.
- 20A: Popular swim briefs (SPEEDOS). If PuzzleGirl were here, this would be a picture fer sher.
- 24A: Group of street toughs (GANG). Calling them "toughs" does not make them sound tough.

- 53A: "Ain't happening!" (NO SIREE). Usually said to Bob. I had to think for a bit to see if this was part of the theme.
- 57A: Emulates Jell-O (WIGGLES). See also: JIGGLES.
- 61A: Bar, in law (ESTOP). This means to legally prevent, not that a happy-hour hangout where lawyers meet programmers is an e-stop.
- 66A: Poet Lazarus (EMMA) was tired, poor, and a huddled mass yearning to breathe free.
- 24D: "Start that job now!" (GET ON IT). Usually said to Lt. Tom Kazansky or a catapult officer.
- 35D: The "m" in E = mc2 (MASS). Also the MA.
- 53D: Giraffe's trademark (NECK). I like giraffes, and giraffes like me.
- 57D: "Living" payment (WAGE). See also: JAGE.
- 59D: Salinger heroine (ESME). With all his f-a-c-u-l-t-i-e-s intact. If you haven't read this, read this. This.

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Everything Else — 5A: Korean War sitcom (MASH); 9A: Reading aids (LAMPS); 14A: __ Major: Great Bear (URSA); 15A: Actress Hayworth (RITA); 16A: Native Alaskan (ALEUT); 19A: Confiscate (SEIZE); 21A: Issue an embarrassing retraction (EAT CROW); 23A: Foul caller (REF); 25A: Competed in a race (RAN); 34A: Physics bit (ATOM); 36A: Ending for absorb (-ENT); 37A: Supreme Court justice Sotomayor (SONIA); 42A: Crop up (ARISE); 43A: Indian bread (NAN); 44A: Takes to court (SUES); 48A: Paid athlete (PRO); 49A: Sign over a door (EXIT); 50A: Sign before Virgo (LEO); 64A: Bridal registry category (CHINA); 65A: Impulse (URGE); 67A: Musical Carpenter (KAREN); 68A: Word with pressure or review (PEER); 69A: Gush (SPEW); 1D: Figure (out), in slang (SUSS); 2D: Conclude, with "up" (WRAP); 3D: Castaway's place (ISLE); 4D: Shocking weapon (TASER); 5D: Appliance brand that helps you wake up? (MR. COFFEE); 6D: Suffers (AILS); 7D: "The Simpsons" disco guy (STU); 8D: __ corpus (HABEAS); 9D: Like a desperate effort (LAST-GASP); 10D: Actor Guinness (ALEC); 11D: Israel's Golda (MEIR); 12D: "The Godfather" author Mario (PUZO); 13D: Goulash, e.g. (STEW); 18D: Summer drink (ADE); 22D: Tiny army member (ANT); 25D: Indian nobles (RAJAS); 26D: Centipede video game creator (ATARI); 27D: "Cross my heart!" ("NO LIE!"); 29D: Lodge (INN); 30D: Hits on the noggin (BOPS); 31D: Outdo (ONE-UP); 32D: Electrician, at times (WIRER); 33D: Steer catcher (LASSO); 39D: Broadway flier (PETER PAN); 40D: Nonstick spray (PAM); 41D: "I just flew in, and boy are my arms tired!," e.g. (ONE LINER); 46D: Tree feller (AXE); 47D: Snarls, as traffic (TIES UP); 51D: Scrambled fare (EGG); 52D: Makes eyes at (OGLES); 54D: Fed. workplace watchdog (OSHA); 55D: Cookbook verb (STIR); 58D: Hobble (LIMP); 60D: "Pygmalion" playwright (SHAW); 63D: Season opener? (PRE-).
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