Theme: "No More Boos" — Familiar phrases contain the letters G-H-O-S-T in order.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 23A: One with all the answers—or in one case, questions (GAMESHOW HOST).
- 32A: Global warming factor (GREENHOUSE EFFECT).
- 41A: Boom box (GHETTO BLASTER).
- 53A: Prepare for lean times (TIGHTEN ONE'S BELT).
- 66A: Movie with the tagline "Sleep kills" (A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET).
- 76A: HDL, familiarly (GOOD CHOLESTEROL).
- 89A: Haunted house creaker (FLIGHT OF STEPS).
- 101A: Medical school affiliate (TEACHING HOSPITAL).
- 112A: Movie good guys responsible for the circled squares in eight long puzzle answers (GHOSTBUSTERS).
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:Everything Else — 1A: '90s sci-fi series "seaQuest __" (DSV); 8A: Honest prez (ABE); 11A: Parks for rights (ROSA); 15A: Imogene's partner (SID); 18A: "Isn't __ pity?" (IT A); 19A: Greek king tormented by fruit and water he could never quite reach (TANTALUS); 21A: __ minérales (EAUX); 22A: "A long time __ in a galaxy ..." (AGO); 25A: October porch swinger (SKELETON); 27A: Aquarium fish (GUPPY); 28A: __-jongg (MAH); 29A: Like "egad," oathwise (MILD); 30A: Ford whose debut album was "Out for Blood" (LITA); 31A: Vying (IN IT); 37A: ATM maker (NCR); 38A: When to get well? (SOON); 39A: Friendship (AMITY); 40A: Limber (LITHE); 45A: Female "Mortal Kombat" agent __ Blade (SONYA); 46A: Two-legged zebra (REF); 47A: Pitch path (ARC); 48A: Pooh __: pompous officials (BAHS); 50A: Blemish (STAIN); 61A: 1962 Phantom portrayer Herbert (LOM); 62A: AFL affiliate (CIO); 64A: Good Witch of the North portrayer Burke (BILLIE); 72A: Ship with a tilde (NIÑA); 73A: Memory lane walk (STROLL); 74A: "So that's it!" ("AHA!"); 81A: They may be taken with a raised hand (OATHS); 83A: Quarterback Tony (ROMO); 84A: Milk, on an Rx (LAC); 85A: You can bet on it (TIP); 86A: Affect, as heartstrings (TUG AT); 96A: Maître d's stack (MENUS); 97A: Didn't miss __ (A BEAT); 99A: Oater actor Jack (ELAM); 100A: Wine holder (VAT); 105A: __ monster (GILA); 106A: Diet suffix (-ETIC); 107A: Kind of crazy? (STIR); 108A: Matterhorn, e.g. (ALP); 109A: Student of Graham (AILEY); 110A: Hitchcock genre (THRILLER); 117A: Pulitzer winner Bellow (SAUL); 118A: Like much Halloween candy (BITE-SIZE); 119A: Vote for (YEA); 120A: Put in (ADD); 121A: World Series sextet (UMPS); 122A: New Eng. sextet (STS); 123A: Cast-of-thousands movie (EPIC); 124A: Ohio summer hrs. (EDT); 1D: Working at night for Dr. Frankenstein? (DIGGING); 2D: Steadfast (STAUNCH); 3D: Twilight Saga character (VAMPIRE); 4D: __-bitsy (ITSY); 5D: Relaxed reaction (AAH); 6D: LP filler? (MNO); 7D: Texter's "incidentally" (BTW); 8D: Float __ (A LOAN); 9D: Outback topper (BUSH HAT); 10D: Car repair fig. (EST.); 11D: Make a stand (RESIST); 12D: Buffalo Bill associate (OAKLEY); 13D: Glove material (SUEDE); 14D: Rose of Guns N' Roses (AXL); 15D: Fullness (SATIETY); 16D: "Tricked you!" ("I GOTCHA!"); 17D: Campaign Web site option (DONATE); 20D: Words of woe (AH ME); 24D: Skillful, kiddingly (EPT); 26D: Like Puck (ELFIN); 29D: Conservationist John (MUIR); 32D: Blockhead (GOOF); 33D: Director Reiner (ROB); 35D: 'Abitation? ('OME); 36D: Brush partner (FLOSS); 38D: Malodor (STENCH); 42D: Start to fold? (TRI-); 43D: Uru. neighbor (ARG.); 44D: SAT-taking venue (SCH.); 45D: "Jeepers!" ("SHEESH!"); 48D: Cotton capsule (BOLL); 49D: Wolfman, some nights (ANIMAL); 50D: "A poor man's poetry": Moore (SLANG); 51D: "Pagliacci" clown (TONIO); 52D: __ acid (AMINO); 53D: Source of an oater long-distance call? (TOM TOM); 54D: Hose clamp tightener (T-BOLT); 55D: German article (EIN); 56D: Pirates' former div. (NLE); 57D: Rough case? (BUR); 58D: Chris on the court (EVERT); 59D: Parasite (LEECH); 60D: Brit's bye-byes (TATAS); 63D: Sweater words? (IT'S HOT); 67D: Roam (about) (GAD); 71D: Eastern philosophy (TAOISM); 77D: Rubbernecking cause (CRASH); 78D: Taina of "Les Girls" (ELG); 79D: By itself, not much of a cheer (RAH); 80D: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, say (OCTET); 82D: Liable (APT); 85D: Nonstick cookware brand (TFAL); 86D: Grew choppers (TEETHED); 87D: Like a repressed grievance (UNAIRED); 88D: Big name in leather goods (GUCCI); 89D: Baseball players' union chief before Weiner (FEHR); 90D: __-tzu, founder of 71-Down (LAO); 91D: Sellout reaction, in headlines (IT'S A HIT); 92D: Plug extension? (-OLA); 93D: Wicked looker (EVIL EYE); 94D: Pink, e.g. (PALE RED); 95D: Patronizes, as a motel (STAYS AT); 96D: Ital. volcano (MT. ETNA); 97D: Dealer's demand (ANTE UP); 98D: Nightclub circulators (B GIRLS); 102D: Koran religion (ISLAM); 103D: Graveyard divisions (PLOTS); 104D: __ dixit (IPSE); 105D: Yosemite Sam's "Scram!" ("GIT!"); 109D: "Just __!" (A SEC); 111D: The NCAA's Fightin' Tigers (LSU); 113D: Half a scary fly (TSE); 114D: Marceau alter ego (BIP); 115D: Compact submachine gun (UZI).
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