Theme: "I Have a Weird Feeling …" — Anagrammed words for various emotions are hidden in the theme answers.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
- 22A: "The Age of Turbulence" memoirist (ALAN GREENSPAN). [anger]
- 29A: Still in Hollywood (FREEZE FRAME). [fear]
- 32A: Event with a "six metres club" (POLE VAULT). [love]
- 45A: Treaty of Paris conflict, 1763 (THE SEVEN YEARS WAR). [envy]
- 59A: Defense strategy that's not an option in some states (INSANITY PLEA). [pity]
- 71A: Scandalmongers, often (TABLOID PRESS). [pride]
- 83A: Nintendo game that involves rescuing a princess (THE LEGEND OF ZELDA). [glee]
- 92A: "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" performer (BILLY JOEL). [joy]
- 94A: Common cell (MOBILE PHONE). [hope]
- 109A: Conflict, and a hint to unraveling the puzzle's circled letters (MIXED EMOTIONS).
There were no circles in my grid so I'm totally guessing on the theme answers. If I missed any, please let me know in the comments and I'll add them here.
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:- 40A: Big name in beauty (ESTÉE).
- 57A: Sushi bar supplier (EELER).
- 90A: Yeats's "__ and the Swan" (LEDA).
- 61D: Fed. auditor (GAO).
- 86D: Lemon add-on (-ADE).
- 98D: Siouan tribesmen (OTOES).
Everything Else — 1A: Hied (SPED); 5A: Redbox rental (DVD); 8A: Fond du __, Wisconsin (LAC); 11A: NH3 (AMMONIA); 18A: Apple part (CORE); 19A: Service station offering (AIR); 20A: "Rubáiyát" rhyme scheme (AABA); 21A: Trying to catch a break? (X-RAYING); 25A: Speculator's reply to "Where's all your money?" (I LOST IT); 26A: Bob Marley, e.g. (RASTA); 27A: Pupil of Plato (ARISTOTLE); 38A: Vet (EX-G.I.); 39A: Suvari of "American Pie" (MENA); 40A: Big name in beauty (ESTÉE); 41A: "The X-Files" extras (FEDS); 50A: Dr. Alzheimer (ALOIS); 52A: Dwells (RESIDES); 53A: Stretch out using (LIE ON); 54A: Many of their pieces are nearly identical (JIGSAWS); 57A: Sushi bar supplier (EELER); 58A: Homeys (PALS); 61A: Like pheasant (GAMY); 62A: Little rat (PUP); 65A: Slave (TOIL); 66A: Corrosive fluids (LYES); 67A: What vacationers are without, by choice (CARE); 68A: Batman co-creator (KANE); 69A: It "enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time": Merton (ART); 70A: Exploded (BLEW); 75A: "Charlie's Angels" angel Munroe (KRIS); 76A: Fracas (MELEE); 77A: Ball Park Franks maker (SARA LEE); 78A: Links site (CHAIN); 80A: Bread component? (SILENT A); 82A: Key of the overture to Mozart's "The Magic Flute" (E FLAT); 87A: "See ya!" ("TA-TA!"); 88A: Buddy List user (AOLER); 89A: Heading under which cabs are listed (REDS); 90A: Yeats's "__ and the Swan" (LEDA); 101A: Heart stimulant brand (ADRENALIN); 103A: Romantic cocktail garnish (PETAL); 104A: First frat at U.C. Berkeley (ZETA PSI); 112A: Delta follower (EPSILON); 113A: Sacha Baron Cohen character (ALI G); 114A: __ de Cologne (EAU); 115A: Tenth: Pref. (DECI-); 116A: She played Sasha Monroe on "Third Watch" (NIA LONG); 117A: 83-Across console (NES); 118A: Banned pesticide (DDT); 119A: "Understood" ("I SEE"); 1D: Gobble (down) (SCARF); 2D: Opposite (POLAR); 3D: Make blank (ERASE); 4D: Pasta order word (DENTE); 5D: __ es Salaam (DAR); 6D: Fight (for) (VIE); 7D: Less upbeat (DREARIER); 8D: Error (LAPSE); 9D: Like __ out of 79-Down (A BAT); 10D: Spam-revealing aid? (CAN OPENER); 11D: Deodorant targets, anatomically (AXILLAE); 12D: 1957 Bobbettes hit (MR. LEE); 13D: Great Leap Forward architect (MAO); 14D: Cries of dismay (OYS); 15D: Niggling detail (NIT); 16D: Trattoria menu suffix (-INI); 17D: Thespian's rep. (AGT.); 20D: "__ sure you've heard ..." (AS I'M); 23D: Wondering look (GAZE); 24D: Org. with many arms (NRA); 28D: Theater awards (TONYS); 30D: No. after a phone no. (EXT.); 31D: Alphabet trio (FGH); 33D: Indeed (VERILY); 34D: Boneheads (ASSES); 35D: Old CIA plane (U-TWO); 36D: Like times of famine (LEAN); 37D: Thrice, in Rx's (TER); 39D: Euripides tragedy (MEDEA); 41D: Sizzling Tex-Mex meat (FAJITA); 42D: "The Ladies' Man" author Lipman (ELINOR); 43D: Watch Fido, say (DOGS IT); 44D: Hemp fiber (SISAL); 46D: Filters (through) (SEEPS); 47D: German donkey (ESEL); 48D: Odious (VILE); 49D: Arbored Southwestern walkway (ALAMEDA); 51D: Japanese honorific (SAN); 55D: Game (WILLING); 56D: Optical maladies (STYES); 58D: Montmartre's city (PARIS); 60D: Longbow wood (YEW); 61D: Fed. auditor (GAO); 62D: Valencian rice dish (PAELLA); 63D: Depose (UNSEAT); 64D: Old Catalan coin (PESETA); 67D: Former Yankee Boyer (CLETE); 68D: Singles promoter? (KRAFT); 70D: Prickly, plantwise (BRIERY); 71D: Final purpose, to Aristotle (TELOS); 72D: First Hebrew letter: Var. (ALEF); 73D: Daimler contemporary (BENZ); 74D: Game opener? (PRE-); 75D: Survivor of Krypton's destruction (KAL EL); 76D: Broker (MIDDLE MAN); 78D: K.J. __, first Korean to win on the PGA Tour (CHOI); 79D: See 9-Down (HELL); 80D: Villainous look (SNEER); 81D: 1967 Temptations hit (ALL I NEED); 83D: Check (TAB); 84D: Disintegrating (ERODING); 85D: Penn. neighbor (DEL.); 86D: Lemon add-on (-ADE); 91D: PDA entry (APPT.); 93D: 39-Down's spouse (JASON); 94D: Leg hiders (MAXIS); 95D: Designer Cassini (OLEG); 96D: Didn't pass, in bridge (BID); 97D: Alpine protagonist (HEIDI); 98D: Siouan tribesmen (OTOES); 99D: '30s V.P. John __ Garner (NANCE); 100D: Milk pitcher? (ELSIE); 102D: River past Thebes (NILE); 104D: Buddhist sect (ZEN); 105D: Start to cure? (EPI-); 106D: Hijack-prevention org. (TSA); 107D: Feel peaked (AIL); 108D: Oslo Accords gp. (PLO); 110D: Furious (MAD); 111D: Partner of about (OUT).
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